Customer Stories

Simona's Story

NW by Natasha Whiting
08 April 2021

How collagen cleared my acne

On my fifth Zoom call of the day, I cringed as yet another colleague mentioned the state of my skin. “Oh no, Simona, what’s happened to your skin? It looks painful,” they said. Bowing my head in shame, my eyes filling with tears and my confidence freefalling, of course I knew how bad my skin was. I was the one that had to live with the pain, discomfort, and embarrassment.

My skin had gone from healthy and relatively clear (apart from during my menstrual cycle), to bumpy, uneven, painful, and overrun with acne. I felt helpless. I’d never had bad skin as a teenager and now in my early 30’s, I wasn’t expecting to be wearing more make up than ever to cover up ghastly blemishes. I have always taken care of my appearance. Having worked in the City for many years in what I’d call a male-dominated industry, it has always been important for me to look my best.

The UK lockdown was my saviour because it meant I didn’t have to go out and no one had to see how bad my complexion had become. As I switched my camera off on this Zoom call and made yet another excuse as to why my skin was so bad, I decided something had to change. Then I found Kollo. With the promise of better skin, stronger nails, and healthier hair – what else could a girl want? What did I have to lose? I signed up immediately. 

I have tried several different collagen supplements over the years and have never stuck with them due to the awful taste. However, Kollo tastes amazing. It actually feels like a treat! My nails are longer and stronger, my hair is thick and full, but most of all, my skin has drastically changed. As you can see in my ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos, the spots have gone, my skin is smooth and even, and I am now investing in laser skin therapy to try and fix the scarring. My confidence has shot up and I no longer switch my camera off on work calls. 

Kollo has also been a blessing for my brain! I suffer with neuro fatigue since having brain surgery five years ago and taking Kollo every morning I have noticed the change in my energy levels. In fact, getting up knowing I have to take my Kollo is what gets me out of bed in the morning. If I’m feeling an energy slump in the evening, I sometimes take a second Kollo, or now that it’s a massive 10mg I sometimes take half in the morning and half in the evening.

Patience isn’t my strong point, but I’ve now been a Kollo subscriber for almost a year and I can honestly say that it’s been such a welcome, positive addition to my daily care routine. I haven’t felt this good in years. It’s also shown me that change can take time, so the fact I’ve stuck with it and seen such drastic results, shows me that it does work if I have a little patience.

My message to you - If you’re thinking of trying Kollo, DO IT! You won’t regret it.

For more information visit

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