Committed to customer safety

Microbiology, nutritional content and heavy metals, such as mercury content
Not only have we studied the efficacy of our products, but we also have super strict health and safety measures in place. Each batch of Kollo Health's Premium Liquid Marine Collagen undergoes laboratory testing on microbiology, nutritional content and heavy metals, such as mercury content.
Want to know more about Kollo Health? Feel free to enquire with our team and we’ll be more than happy to help.
Free from gluten, dairy, lactose, soy and wheat
Our Premium Liquid Marine Collagen is free from gluten, dairy, lactose, soy and wheat. It contains no artificial colours or additives. It is also GMO-free, fat free, contaminants free, carbohydrate free and cholesterol free.
We regularly test our Premium Liquid Marine Collagen for allergens. Please click the links below to see the test results for peace of mind.

Test Results
DISCLAIMER: Please note that the results that you experience when using this product may vary, depending on your body, skin condition and your skin type. These products are not designed to replace any medical treatments for any skin conditions or other diseases, and as such, we cannot guarantee that they will successfully diagnose, or provide treatments, cures or prevention for any specific ailments that you may suffer. The use of this product as a treatment for medical conditions is to be undertaken entirely at the customer's own personal risk.