Customer Stories

Simona's Story

OC by Olivia Coleman
04 September 2024

I started taking Kollo in 2020 when it first launched during the Pandemic. I’ve always been a big fan of supplements, and I was intrigued by Kollo as I liked the fact that it was a liquid supplement as opposed to a pill or a powder, which I wasn’t keen on. I had also developed bad adult acne due to medication that I was on, which was further exacerbated by having to wear masks, so I was struggling with my confidence and having tried all kinds of masks, creams, and potions, I thought I’d try collagen.

Four years down the line and I’m so glad I did! Not only does Kollo taste amazing compared to other collagen brands, but I have the versatility to either take it straight out of the sachet or mix it with water. I usually mix it with water now, as it means I also start my day feeling more hydrated, but I sometimes do take it out of the sachet if I’m on the go.

I usually take mine in the morning or before I go to the gym, as I find it gives me energy. Having had brain surgery in 2015 I struggle with neuro fatigue, so finding a supplement that helps boost my energy levels has been incredible. Not only that, but I’ve seen a huge improvement in my skin (the look, feel and texture), my hair (it’s grown SO much and it’s very thick), and my nails. My nails grow so quickly and I’ve noticed that my gel polish lasts longer as I’m not breaking or chipping my nails. Kollo has been an all-rounder for me, with visible improvement in all areas. I am a massive advocate for Kollo and I have many friends who have signed up and love it as much as I do. I think once you try Kollo you don’t go back. It took me about 6 weeks to start seeing and feeling the benefits, but now, if I forget to take my Kollo I notice the difference. They say that our health is our wealth, so for me Kollo is an investment in myself. Our collagen levels deplete as we age and I like to think that I’m helping to keep myself young. So many people say that I don’t look my age.

I cut my hair into a bob at the start of the pandemic as it was damaged from colour. I was devastated to cut it as I have always loved my long hair. Thanks to Kollo my hair has grown back in just a few years and is long, healthy and thick. I have friends whose hair was longer than mine and now mine is longer than theirs. Honestly, it’s grown at such a rapid rate and the only thing I did differently was take my Kollo. It just goes to show that one small change can make a huge difference. My photos are taken in April 2021 after I’d been taking Kollo for almost a year and September 2024. I am loving the new letterbox sized packaging, which has made a huge difference as I no longer have to go and pick up my delivery from the post office if I miss it. Kollo has really listened and adapted over the years. It’s nice to have a company that takes on board feedback and makes changes. All credit to the founders.


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