Black Friday? No thanks

Black Friday? No thanks
Black Friday has been synonymous with the end of November for the past few years, characterised by retailers slashing their prices, causing a frenzy in shops and online.While Black Friday used to be limited to just one day, ie, Friday (hence the name), more and more retailers now offer deals and discounts in the days leading up to the event, and the weekend following, tempting more shoppers in, over a longer period of time.
It's fair to say Black Friday divides opinion. Many people see it as a great way to grab a bargain in the run-up to Christmas, while others say that many of the offers aren't genuine, and it's a bit of a con.
What is certain, is that Black Friday can lead to people buying more than they actually need, potentially encouraging them to end up in debt if they're not careful. In fact, studies have found that <a href="">42% of people have regretted their Black Friday purchases</a>.
Black Friday and why we aren't participating
As a company that is proud to boast an authentic ethos, and cares about the health and wellbeing of its customers, Black Friday and all it's associated with, just doesn't sit comfortably with us. We don't believe in making life more complicated or stressful by contributing to the excessive greed and consumerism associated with Black Friday.
With this in mind, last year, we decided to give Black Friday a miss, and this year we'll be doing the same. However, this isn't because we've taken on the persona of Scrooge, but that we would prefer to make a gesture that is more meaningful and has a more profound impact on the wider community.
Giving back
Black Friday epitomises consumption to excess, but it's our belief that, at this time of year, we should be giving back to others in more need than ourselves.
That's why this Black Friday we won't be participating in the greed of promoting offers and discounts, but will instead be donating £5 from every new sale made to The Children's Trust charity. We will also donate £5 from every new subscription made between today and Monday to this worthy cause.
This means that customers can shop with a clear conscience, knowing that every purchase they make could make a huge difference to a child's life.
As the UK's leading charity for children with brain injuries, The Children's Trust helps provide children and their families with vital information, resources and rehabilitation services, to enable them to make the most of their lives and get the support that they need.
By making a purchase of one of our health products at Kollo this Black Friday, you are, therefore, not only helping to take good care of your own health but are contributing towards the health of vulnerable children.
For those loved ones in your life that are also interested in good health, Kollo products or a subscription could make the ideal gift, so by shopping with us this Black Friday, you can get your Christmas list ticked off while helping others at the same time - a win-win situation all-round!