
Collagen Lift Before and After Photos

OC by Olivia Coleman
14 October 2022

Where can I see collagen lift before and after pictures?

Collagen is all the rage right now in the beauty industry. Shop around and you will find moisturisers, creams, balms, lotions, shampoos, conditioners and more. The word ‘collagen’ is something many brands like to use in their name. They all claim to help boost the collagen in your skin, but the only real way to achieve this is by taking collagen internally; by swallowing it. Collagen supplements are the most powerful and effective way to enable your body to produce more collagen. The goal is to reap the benefits for your skin, joints, bones, hair, nails and more. But we don’t expect you to take our word for it. We can offer you a detailed breakdown of Kollo marine collagen liquid. This will include scientific research, customer testimonials and in-depth articles about what it does. We can even show you collagen lift before and after pictures.

To see the pictures, read the reviews and all the rest, take a look around our website. Read on to learn more about what a collagen supplement like Kollo could do for you.

What is collagen?

Collagen is a protein that provides structure and strength to various tissues in our bodies. It gives your skin elasticity and helps it retain moisture more effectively. You will also enjoy greater suppleness to the tissues of your tendons and ligaments and stronger cartilage. It even thickens bone and interacts with many other parts of our bodies. We produce it naturally, fuelled by certain amino acids and vitamins, but our levels of natural collagen drop as we age. This gets worse with things like sunlight exposure, bad diet, smoking and stress. As the collagen levels drop, we experience signs of ageing like:

  • Sagging skin

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Aches and pains in the joints

  • Loss of bone density

  • Thin, brittle hair and nails

This is why it can be so revealing to look at collagen lift before and after pictures. They reveal how, in just a few weeks to a few months, your skin can be rejuvenated and your hair and nails can look and feel fuller and healthier. Accompanied by customer reviews, we can also see that people feel more energised. Their joints ache less and even their gut health improves. Some even report improvements with chronic conditions like eczema or osteoarthritis.

The role of collagen in our bodies is far-reaching, and that natural decline can take a real toll on us. By supplementing with collagen liquid, powder or pills, we may be able to reverse many of the effects of that decline. Essentially, you could look and feel younger in just a few short months.

Why don’t collagen creams and shampoos work?

You apply collagen creams, shampoos, balms and moisturisers topically to the outside of the body. This will not help with your collagen levels. Many may deliver other benefits to your skin due to additional ingredients like hyaluronic acid or aloe vera. But any collagen contained in the product will only sit on the surface of your skin doing nothing. The reason for this is simple: collagen molecules, even when broken down into collagen peptides, are too large to penetrate the skin.

The amino acids in collagen are fundamental to the production of collagen in your body. The most important are glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. They need to enter your bloodstream in order for your system to start synthesising new endogenous (internal) collagen. This is what will then help repair and maintain your skin, bone, tendons, cartilage, etc.

Hydrolysed collagen (collagen peptides) consists of chains of those amino acids that complete collagen molecules contain. These are abundant in glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. But if all they do is sit on the surface of the skin, your body can do nothing with them.

So why are collagen supplements more effective?

When you take a collagen supplement orally, those collagen peptides enter your stomach and move into the intestines. The digestive system is far more efficient than your skin at absorbing nutrients. It delivers them straight to your bloodstream so that they go right where your body needs them. That hydrolysed collagen that could not penetrate your skin will absorb through the intestines. This way, your body gets all the fuel it needs to synthesise new collagen and boost collagen levels in your body.

However, not all collagen supplements are equal. There are various factors that determine the quality of the collagen peptides. Other variables include how easy they are for your body to absorb and how effective they will be at triggering new collagen production in the body.

These factors include:

  • Where the collagen comes from (fish, cows, pigs, chickens, etc.)

  • The method of extracting the collagen from the original source

  • What method of hydrolysis is used to break it down into collagen peptides

  • The supplement form (liquid, powder, tablet/capsule)

  • Dosage of collagen peptides in a single serving

  • Any complementary ingredients in the supplement

With so many things to consider, it’s important to do your homework. And part of that homework should be reading customer reviews of specific products. This is where you will look at collagen lift before and after pictures.

Where can I see some before and after pictures?

No doubt, you will be able to find many pictures and videos online that display collagen lift before and after stories. One thing that might be on your mind, however, is how reliable those pictures and videos are. That is why the Kollo team decided to include a customer reviews section on our website.

If you head over there, you will see that we encourage customers to leave a review to describe their experience with Kollo. We include unedited reviews from verified buyers only. Many of these customers have chosen to include their own collagen lift before and after pictures and videos. These demonstrate the benefits they have experienced in a powerful way.

We are proud of the high ratings we receive from our customers, and it is a joy to see the benefits people have experienced. You will see pictures of women going through menopause who have experienced benefits in the appearance of wrinkles. You will also see younger women who have seen improvements with issues like acne. There are videos from women who suffer from eczema and have found some relief by taking Kollo.

The collagen lift before and after pictures in our customer reviews sections are created independently of us. We do not touch them in any way – they are legitimate and entirely organic, so you can put your faith in them.

Not only that, but they are also accompanied by written comments and a star rating. This will help give you an idea of each customer’s thoughts and satisfaction level. We proudly display this on our website and encourage visitors to go there to get an idea of what to expect when they take Kollo.

What sets Kollo apart from other collagen supplements?

To answer this question, look at the earlier section where we listed factors that affect the quality of a collagen supplement. Here’s how Kollo addresses each of those factors:

  • Source: Kollo collagen comes from 100% aquaculture-farmed fish. They are not exposed to chemicals or contaminants.

  • Extraction: the marine collagen comes from the skin and scales of fish. Extraction uses enzymatic processes to ensure the purity and integrity of the collagen molecules.

  • Hydrolysis: the collagen is broken down using enzymatic hydrolysis techniques. The resulting collagen peptides contain no chemical toxins.

  • Suspension: we use a liquid suspension for the collagen peptides. This maximises bioavailability and makes it easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

  • Dosage: every serving of Kollo contains 10 grams of premium grade marine collagen peptides. Research has indicated this will yield all the benefits over time.

  • Fortified: we add B vitamins, vitamin C and l-lysine to the Kollo formula. This will help boost your body’s ability to absorb and utilise the collagen peptides.

Kollo is the handiwork of people who really care about the benefits of collagen supplements. We took great care at every stage to make the right decisions for end users. To date, Kollo has won many awards, earned ‘Amazon’s Choice’ status and Informed Sport Certification. We have had features on TV and in magazines and received countless 5-star reviews from satisfied customers.

Consider all that and the evidence of the collagen lift before and after pictures in our customer reviews. There is every reason to feel very confident you are looking at a high-quality product. 

Learn more

We encourage you to explore our website and look at external reviews to make you feel better informed before making a decision. Our blog also features information about collagen supplements, their benefits and all the science.

If you still have questions after taking a look around, please navigate to the Contact Us page and drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you and someone from our team will be ready to answer your queries.

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