How Long Should You Take Marine Collagen?

There are various benefits to your health and beauty that come from taking a daily marine collagen supplement. You may experience firmer skin, stronger hair and nails, more supple joints and even improved gut health. Collagen is the human body's most abundant protein, so maintaining its presence as long as possible is helpful throughout the body. But how long does it take for marine collagen supplements to work? And how long should you take marine collagen? Continue reading to learn more about marine collagen and when or if you should stop taking it.
What Is Collagen?
Our bodies produce a range of different proteins to support our overall health and development, and collagen is one of them. Collagen is made in various other forms that all help to build, repair and maintain various parts of the body. It is an essential protein that our bodies produce in plentiful supply during youth.
What Role Does It Play in the Body?
Collagen supports the maintenance of your skin, bones, joints and connective tissue. It helps to not only keep them performing well but also helps with repair after injury or strain. The higher your levels of collagen, the quicker your body will bounce back from damage.
Does the Body Ever Stop Making Collagen?
The body makes collagen from the moment we are born, as this is essential in the formation and growth of our bones, joints and skin. This collagen is produced in plentiful supply throughout our younger years; however, it slows as we age. From your late twenties, you will begin to see a significant drop in the collagen your body naturally produces. This is why, in older age, you may notice fine lines and wrinkles on your skin, as well as more common aches and pains in your joints. It's for this reason that many people choose to supplement collagen to help keep their body and overall health in good shape.
What Is Marine Collagen?
Marine collagen is a specific type of collagen that is sourced from fish. The protein is procured from their skin and scales. It is then hydrolysed and used in the form of a health supplement.
One of the main reasons this collagen is sourced for use in supplements is that it very closely resembles the protein our bodies naturally produce. This means our bodies find it much easier to absorb as the protein is easily recognised, unlike other standard collagen supplements. Typically, other protein is sourced from the bone marrow of animals like cows.
Marine collagen supplements are unique from other collagen sources because they come from fish, whereas historically, collagen protein has always been sourced from cows. Many people consider this a healthier and safer alternative, as fish is healthier than consistently consuming red meat. It also avoids the possibility of common mammal diseases, like mad cow disease.
Some studies have also found marine collagen to be more effective than bovine-sourced collagen in triggering the natural production of collagen throughout the body. Marine collagen is the star ingredient of our beloved Premium Liquid Marine Collagen supplement here at Kollo Health.
What Are the Benefits Of Marine Collagen Supplements?
There are many benefits that you can find from taking a daily dose of high-quality marine collagen. Suppose you’re looking to tackle the signs of ageing, reduce chronic pain or even find a more sustainable approach to health supplements.
In that case, then our Premium Liquid Marine Collagen supplement is perfect for you. Find below just a few of the benefits of the regular consumption of marine collagen.
Skin, Hair, Nails, and Joints
Marine collagen plays a vital role in maintaining the health of skin, hair, nails, and joints. It improves skin elasticity and hydration, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, while also strengthening hair and nails to prevent brittleness. Additionally, marine collagen supports joint health by aiding in the repair of cartilage and connective tissues, making it beneficial for those experiencing joint pain.
A Sustainable Collagen Supplement
One of the primary reasons people choose to supplement with marine collagen specifically is because it is a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative. For example, the marine collagen we use in creating our Premium Liquid Marine Collagen supplement is sourced from ethical fishing waters that promote sustainability within fish farming. You can feel peace of mind when taking our supplements, and you're helping to contribute to a greener future for our planet.
Works for Most Diets
Due to the fact that many collagen supplements use the protein from cows within their formulas, this can restrict people from taking them for a number of dietary reasons. Whether you don't consume the by-products of cows for dietary, religious or cultural reasons, it can make things tricky when wanting to use collagen to help with a range of health complaints.
How Long Does It Take To See Results From Marine Collagen?
When beginning your marine collagen supplement journey, it's important to be aware of a time frame in which you could start to see results, as this helps you manage your expectations and track your results. Health supplements always take a little while to settle into the body and begin to work. However, our Premium Liquid Marine Collagen supplement has helped our customers see results in only four weeks.
Our bodies can begin to use the amino acids from collagen supplements pretty quickly. The amount of time it takes to start seeing the benefits generally depends on factors like:
- The concentration of collagen we absorb into our bodies
- Other lifestyle factors, such as diet
- Our genetics
If your body's collagen levels are very low when you begin, the benefits might come on quite quickly and appear fairly dramatic. If your starting collagen status was already quite high, the effect might not be so extreme. To see a difference in your skin, you may start seeing results in as little as 3 months.
As with many things, dosage plays a big role in the results. Your body requires a frequent supply of collagen supplements as it is such an abundant protein throughout your anatomy. So, if your current collagen levels are very low, a daily dose of 10 grams will probably yield results quite quickly. But if you are more sporadic in your intake, with a lower dose each time, it might take longer, and the results may be less pronounced.
How Long Should You Take Marine Collagen?
This question isn’t just about how long you should take marine collagen but what happens if you stop. You will be relieved to hear that there are no known side effects of stopping your collagen supplements. However, it's important to note that any benefits you've gained may gradually diminish after you stop.
Your body's synthesis of collagen is an ongoing process, and it requires fuel to do so. As previously noted, your body's natural ability to create collagen by itself gradually declines. This is due to:
- Ageing: The decline starts in the early 20s and gradually accelerates so that, when you reach the 40s-50s, your body ceases making collagen naturally.
- Exposure to Ultraviolet Light: UV Rays damage skin cells, accelerating collagen degradation.
- Stress: The stress hormone cortisol is another factor that reduces collagen levels in the body.
- Smoking: Smokers are likely to experience more collagen degradation than non-smokers.
When collagen levels drop, you may notice signs of ageing such as skin wrinkles, joint discomfort, brittle bones, and hair loss. Taking a marine collagen supplement stimulates the body's natural collagen production to help slow this process and restore some of the benefits of youth. When you stop taking collagen supplements, these benefits will gradually fade, and you might experience:
- More visible signs of skin ageing
- Increased joint discomfort
- Brittle bones and nails
- Increase in hair falling out
- Loss of muscle mass
- Slower recovery after physical activity
Essentially, you are reverting back to how your body was before you ever took the supplement. Depending on how long you took the supplement, you may even find that your body's decline is greater than before due to your natural collagen supply getting scarcer with age.
The Ideal Dose of Collagen
You don't have to worry about ever taking "too much" collagen, as this will have no adverse effects on your health. There is, however, a recommended maximum daily intake that many doctors don't recommend going over, and this is 30,000mg per day. You can have peace of mind knowing you're getting the perfect dose of high-quality collagen every day with the This makes our Premium Liquid Marine Collagen supplement, which features a 10,000mg dose in each sachet.
Are There Any Side Effects To Taking Marine Collagen?
The great thing about marine collagen is that there are absolutely no recorded side effects. This means that you can take these supplements consistently and for long periods without worrying about it negatively affecting your overall health.
If you are currently on any other forms of prescribed medications, always consult with your doctor before starting to take collagen daily. This is to ensure that the ingredients used in the supplement won't affect the effectiveness of your medication or cause adverse effects. Likewise, if you have any food allergies, always carefully read the formulas of collagen supplements to make sure nothing is included that could trigger a reaction.
Can the Body Become Dependent on Collagen Supplements?
Some people may wonder if taking collagen supplements accelerates the decline of your body's natural ability to produce collagen independently. Science tells us that your body is already losing its ability to synthesise collagen as you get older due to the internal and external factors listed above. It's a natural, biological process that happens to everyone.
Collagen supplements do not remove your body's ability to synthesise collagen by itself. They simply supply it with the fuel it needs to do so. You may experience a reduced capacity to synthesise collagen after you stop taking collagen supplements, but this is natural and not due to marine collagen.
Feel the Benefits of a Daily Marine Collagen Supplement With Kollo Health
Kollo Health is storming the health supplement market with our quality and effective Premium Liquid Marine Collagen supplement. We have looked to create the perfect collagen supplement for all, with a unique blend of the highest-quality marine collagen and vitamins and nutrients that contribute to optimum health.
Find out even more about our famous Premium Liquid Marine Collagen supplement and check out some of the rave reviews from our customers who have felt the benefits of our supplement in under 5 weeks. Take a trip to the Kollo Health website today.