
Kollo Liquid Collagen Supplements Featured on ITV

OC by Olivia Coleman
02 September 2022

Kollo Liquid Collagen Supplements Featured on ITV

The team at Kollo have a proud announcement to make. Our liquid marine collagen supplements featured on ITV’s This Morning with Vernon Kay, Rochelle Humes and Nadine Baggot. It was a great segment on the show where Nadine presented a range of top collagen products. They included creams, lip balms, sleep masks, supplements and more. It gave viewers a great piece of insight into the health and beauty benefits of collagen. It also included some tips on leading products on the market.

Kollo liquid collagen took pride of place as the final product they discussed. First came some clarification about the creams and lip oils as they do not contain collagen. Instead, they include ingredients that help boost your natural collagen production. Nadine presented Kollo as a great supplement for absorbing actual collagen into the body. Again, the main purpose of this is to provide the fuel your body needs to increase its own collagen production. But it is far more powerful in the body than on it.

What is Kollo Liquid Collagen?

Kollo is a high-quality marine collagen supplement. This means it is a nutritional supplement that contains pure collagen taken from the skin and scales of fish. We suspend our collagen in a delicious shot of liquid that you add to water. It is broken down by a process called hydrolysis into amino acid chains that your body can easily absorb. This fuels your natural production of collagen to fight back against the gradual decline in collagen synthesis as we get older.

Why collagen?

Collagen is one of the most common proteins in the human body. It is what gives our bones their strength, our joints their resilience and our skin its suppleness. As it withers in our bodies, we experience the symptoms of ageing. These include:

  • Fine lines

  • Wrinkles

  • Reduced skin elasticity

  • Thinning hair

  • Brittle nails

  • Weaker bones

  • Stiff joints

So collagen supplements can be very helpful in restoring some of the youthful lustre of our bodies. 

What did Nadine Baggot say about Kollo Collagen? 

Nadine told us that marine collagen is the best supplement to go for if you don’t want to take collagen supplements from cows. We would go one further than that and say that marine collagen is actually superior to bovine collagen. This is particularly true when you are looking to get results for your skin, hair and nails. The main reason for this is because marine collagen usually has greater purity and fewer contaminants.

For vegetarians and vegans

This is one thing that Vernon brought up, and Nadine elaborated on. Collagen products derived from marine or bovine sources are not suitable for vegetarians or vegans. However, the collagen that goes into Kollo supplements is a by-product of the fishing industry. This means that there is no slaughtering of animals for the production of collagen supplements. The material the collagen comes from would otherwise be cast off as waste.

This will not be any comfort to many vegetarians or vegans. But it is worth knowing in terms of the ethics and sustainability of Kollo and many other collagen supplements. Nadine mentioned that scientists are working on a way of bio-fermenting collagen from bacteria and yeast. This means there may be hope for collagen in a proven form. Currently, vegan collagen supplements contain plant-based ingredients that stimulate collagen production. But they are not thought to be as effective as bovine or marine collagen.

Other takeaways from the ITV segment

Aside from the points listed above, there are a few other things to note from ITV’s coverage of Kollo. 

  • Nadine said you would need to take 2 sachets to get your 10 gram dosage of collagen from Kollo. In fact, there are actually 10 grams in every sachet!

  • Vernon pointed out that collagen supplements are not just for women – this is true! Kollo offers the same health and beauty benefits regardless of gender.

  • The team described the taste of the bovine collagen as ‘horrible’. This is something no-one would ever say about the delicious Kollo liquid in our sachets.

A huge thank you from Kollo

It was a real thrill to see our beautiful Kollo box and sachets make an appearance on ITV. The team would like to extend our thanks to ITV for including it. We also want to thank Vernon, Rochelle and Nadine for the fantastic coverage of Kollo and the collagen world at large.

It is our belief that collagen supplements are a game changer for people’s health and beauty. We have pulled out all the stops to perfect our product to maximise your results. You will not find a better product than Kollo for getting marine collagen into your body. Our customers rave about the fantastic benefits they have experienced. We take every comment on board to ensure we remain at the top of the market.

If you would like to learn more about our product, please don’t hesitate to explore our website and discover everything about:

We hope to see you over there and if you have any questions, our team is available to answer them. You can get in touch through our website or via social media – we’d love to hear from you!

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