
Liquid Collagen vs Powder: Which is Better?

NW by Natasha Whiting
03 June 2021

Ready-to-drink liquid collagen supplements are digested and absorbed into the bloodstream quicker than collagen supplements in powder form because they are formulated to maximise the speed by which the body processes and uses them.

Some people prefer taking collagen in liquid form over powder supplements, or vice versa. However, research demonstrates that liquid-form collagen is more efficient and has quicker results than a powder or pill collagen supplement.

What is Liquid Collagen?

Liquid collagen is a drinkable supplement packed with collagen peptides. Collagen is essential for skin, hair, and joint health. It’s derived mainly from animal or marine sources and is easily absorbed by the body. It promotes skin elasticity, reducing wrinkles and fine lines. Additionally, it strengthens hair and nails while supporting joint flexibility and reducing discomfort.

Unlike traditional collagen supplements, liquid collagen is convenient and palatable. You don't have to worry about mixing anything or taking any pills. A simple daily shot is all you need. But, if you do want to add this to a beverage you can. Liquid collagen offers a fuss-free way to nourish your body from within.

Liquid collagen is a convenient solution for replenishing depleted collagen levels. Its easy incorporation into daily routines ensures a seamless path to wellness. Elevate your skincare, haircare, and joint health effortlessly. Say goodbye to the hassle and hello to smoother skin, stronger hair, and flexible joints with liquid collagen.

What is Collagen Powder?

Powdered collagen is a versatile supplement enriched with collagen peptides. Sourced from animal or marine origins, the collagen can be subjected to hydrolyzation. This process breaks down its complex structure into easily absorbable peptides. All this means you can count on it being really easy for your body to use, making it super effective when you take it.

After breaking it down, the collagen is cleaned up to remove any contaminents and make it even better. Once purified, the collagen is dehydrated into a fine powder. Dehydration helps preserve its integrity and potency. It makes you wonder, is powder collagen better than liquid?

Powdered collagen can be easy to integrate into your daily routine. Blend it into smoothies, coffee, or even baked goods. Like any powder though, getting it to dissolve completely can be a challenge. On the other hand, liquid collagen gives you the same benefits as a powder, but without this downside as it dissolves thoroughly.

No matter what form of collagen supplement you ingest, you can say hello to radiant skin, luscious hair, and agile joints with powdered collagen. Consider it an ally in your pursuit of health and in your well-being.

Why Liquid Supplements are better than powder

Is liquid collagen better than powder? There are several clear benefits from taking collagen in a liquid than in a powder or tablet form:

  • It is considerably easier to swallow for people of all ages.
  • It is more suitable for people with swallowing difficulties.
  • It is often better for people with digestive problems.
  • It is convenient and easy to take for people on the go.
  • You can mix it with other things, such as breakfast cereal or yoghurt, or you can mix it into a drink.
  • It is largely tasteless. Powdered collagen can have a chalky taste and feel, even if you think you have mixed it well.
  • Above all, it is processed more quickly by the body and so has faster results.

These are all things to consider in the liquid collagen vs powder debate. Where are you in the ‘is liquid or powder collagen better’ quest now?

Why Liquid Collagen Absorbs More Quickly Than Powder

When comparing powdered collagen vs liquid collagen, you need to know a bit more about how collagen supplements are made. Most collagen supplements come hydrolysed into peptides. Hydrolysis is the process by which collagen fibers are broken down into peptides. Collagen peptides are broken down molecules of collagen. Liquid collagen supplements contain peptides that have been broken down into smaller particles than a powder. This means that they are easier for our bodies to process so that they enter the bloodstream faster. You must first digest collagen peptides for them to enter the bloodstream. Liquids pass through the stomach in minutes from where the collagen proteins enter the bloodstream. It generally takes around 30 minutes before a pill is dissolved in the stomach before it begins being broken down.

Why Liquid Collagen Supplement is More Effective Than Powders

When debating if liquid collagen or powder collagen is better, one must take into account absorption. The absorption rate for powders and pills can be as low as 39% to 53%. The rest of it simply leaves our body in the same other waste food products do. Contrast that with liquids, where up to 98% of the extract is retained within our system. In order for any medicinal, therapeutic, or nutritional substance to be used by our bodies, it must first become suspended in a liquid - i.e. mixed with water. For a tablet or a powder, that process will happen in the stomach. The nearer a preparation is to liquid form, the quicker and more completely it will assimilate and then take effect.

Why this could matter for collagen supplements

Studies have shown that the peptide profile in the blood is elevated after taking a daily collagen supplement for just four weeks. The research also found that collagen levels were at their highest an hour after taking the supplement. Levels then slowly fall over the following 24 hours. When deciding on powder collagen vs liquid collagen remember to take the above into account. Rapid absorption by taking collagen in a liquid form may be one way of maximising the effect within the shortest timescale. So you tell us, is powder or liquid collagen better?

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