The beautifying effects of B vitamins

There are so many vitamins that we need but we have to say that Vitamin B has to be one of the most B-E-A-UTIFUL out there and our Premium Liquid Marine Collagen is full of them alongside its buddy Vitamin C!
Vitamin B has long been known for its ability to improve energy levels and support heart and brain health. However, Vitamin B also offers a range of beautifying effects for the hair, skin and nails. In fact, Vitamin B contains 8 different vitamins; B1, B2, B3, B5. B6, B7, B9 and B12. Each of these vitamins offers different effects and benefits for the body, including anti-ageing and healing properties.
So What Does This Actually Mean?
Each of these vitamins provide different effects and benefits for the body such as anti-ageing and healing properties. These vitamins work together to metabolise those key nutrients from food and help deliver them throughout the body.
If we have deficiencies in Vitamin B, there will be visible changes in the way we look and feel. Just to note a few, we could feel a loss of energy, damage to our hair follicles, digestion issues and even a negative change in our moods. Taking Kollo Marine Collagen helps feed these deficiencies and deter any issues that our body are best off not fighting alone!
B vitamins together work to metabolise the nutrients from food and deliver them throughout the body, including the hair follicles, which in turn grow stronger, healthier hair. A deficiency of B vitamins means that hair follicles are poorly nourished, leaving hair growing slowly and looking brittle and dull. One of the best B vitamins for hair health and growth is vitamin B7, also known as Biotin. Biotin is one of the key nutrients essential for achieving a stronger, smoother and all-around better-looking head of hair.
B Vitamins are also an ideal solution for reviving dull and lifeless complexions, as well as treating certain skin conditions like acne, eczema, dermatitis, hyperpigmentation, sun-damaged, ageing and dry skin. Kollo Health’s collagen also has anti-ageing properties to help keep the elasticity in your skin alive. Also, with the help of B5, the supplement can heal wounds and help diminish the effects left from acne on your skin.
Taking Kollo Health’s Marine Collagen supplement is a great solution to help awaken the skin and help give you back an even-toned complexion. Adding more Vitamin B to your diet can improve the growth and healthiness of your nails. Essentially all of these benefits work best when working alongside Vitamin C.
The topical use of vitamin B has also been seen to have anti-ageing properties. Within the complex of vitamin B, vitamin B5, also known as Pantothenic Acid, has shown positive properties in healing wounds and also in minimising the effects of acne. Vitamin B12 has also been shown to prevent hyperpigmentation. The effects of vitamin B on the skin can also be reinforced when used in combination with vitamin C.
Vitamin B offers a range of nutrients that help nails grow quicker, healthier and stronger. B12, also known as Riboflavin, works to help the body better absorb iron, which in turn is a necessary mineral for strong nails. Iron and B12 deficiencies can often lead to nails that turn white, thin and brittle.
The same nutrients in Vitamin B and C are found in many fruits and vegetables but by adding a supplement like Kollo Health’s liquid marine collagen to your diet, ensures a steady and sufficient amount of Vitamin B and C into your body.
The beauty of Kollo Health’s Marine Collagen is that it has both of these vitamins, to better target and prevent any deficiencies mentioned. It will aid the performance of achieving noticeable results and can easily be added to our beauty regime!