
What is the Best Collagen Supplement for Weight Loss?

OC by Olivia Coleman
06 February 2023

What is the best collagen for weight loss?

With obesity at the point of crisis in the UK, many people are looking for things to help lose weight. Everyone knows the basic instructions: exercise and eat healthily. But there is more to it, and supplements may be able to help. Collagen is a big talking point in health and beauty, and there is evidence that it can help with losing weight. But what is the best collagen for weight loss?

In this post, we will look into how collagen supplements may help you lose weight. Subsequently, we will be able to give advice on what the best collagen supplement is for weight loss.

What does collagen do in the body?

Collagen is a protein that gives structure to connective tissues. It makes skin plump and elastic while helping keep it hydrated, and it makes bones hard and robust. It strengthens our tendons, ligaments and cartilage and makes our arteries flexible.

As we age, our collagen levels decline. Consequently, our bodies start to show signs of ageing. These include:

  • Wrinkles and sagging skin
  • Joint pain
  • Loss of bone density
  • Stiff arteries

The consequences of these things range from loss of confidence to pain to risk of serious disease. Getting older can be a drag in many ways, but we can protect our collagen by making healthy choices. You shouldn’t take collagen to lose weight alone but for overall health.

What Does This Have To Do with Weight Loss?

Since you came here searching for the best collagen for weight loss, you may have questions. For example, 'What does any of this have to do with my weight?' So can you use collagen to lose weight? Well, there are several ways collagen plays a role in your ability to lose weight.

For instance, if you have lots of collagen in your joints, they will feel comfortable and supple. This means exercise is easier to do, and exercise is a great way to burn calories and shed fat. Furthermore, since collagen is a protein, it can help boost your muscle mass which means you will burn more calories.

What are some real examples of collagen helping with weight loss?

To identify the best collagen for weight loss, you need to understand exactly how collagen helps. There are several things collagen can do that may help.

Reduce fat build-up 

There is evidence that collagen can reduce the development of fat cells. The research for this is ongoing, but a 2019 study concluded that marine collagen reduces body fat in the human body. The amount of fat loss was small, but there is potential for weight loss benefits.

Animal studies have shown that collagen peptides help ward off obesity in mice. The theory is that this comes down to increased fat metabolism and reduced fat development.

Promote satiety

There is evidence that taking collagen supplements can make you feel fuller. In turn, this could reduce your hunger and lead to you eating less calories each day.

The reasoning behind this is that collagen is a protein. A 2020 review found that high-protein diets help boost hormones that make you feel full while suppressing the hunger hormones. So if you take collagen supplements alongside other high-protein foods, you may reduce your hunger.

Increase muscle mass

Muscle mass is important for weight loss. Muscle burns calories even at rest, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn each day. As a protein, and a key structural component of muscle, collagen can help build lean muscle mass.

In a study from 2015, participants had age-related muscle loss. They undertook a 12-week training programme in which half took collagen and the other half had a placebo. The people taking collagen experienced bigger gains in muscle mass and strength. They also lost more fat than the people on the placebo.

The conclusion is that collagen supplements can support increased muscle gain from training. This can increase fat loss by greater calorie burn throughout the day.

Relieve joint pain

As mentioned before, collagen supplements may support weight loss by helping with joint pain. When our joints feel comfortable and healthy, we are more likely to engage in physical activities. Also, it makes us more likely to take part in exercise.

According to a study from 2015, collagen peptides can help manage osteoarthritis. This is because it may help improve the strength of your cartilage, tendons and ligaments. Many athletes take collagen to help with joint pain.

If you find joint pain stops you from being active, these collagen benefits may help.

What Should I Look for in Collagen Supplements for Weight Loss?

There are various types of collagen in our bodies. The most abundant one is type I collagen. Different supplements make claims about containing type II or type III collagen as if this will help you produce more of those types. It won't.

When collagen peptides from supplements enter your body, they break down into amino acids. Your body uses these nutrients to fuel the production of new collagen. There is no telling what type of collagen it will produce or where it will end up. All you can do is keep supplying the fuel and let your body do the work.

There is evidence that type I collagen is easiest for our bodies to absorb. As mentioned above, marine collagen is the type that has shown promise in reducing fat build-up. Marine collagen is exclusively type I, so could be considered the best liquid collagen for weight loss.

What is marine collagen?

Marine collagen comes from the skin and scales of fish. It is a by-product of fish farming for food, so it is very sustainable. We extract the collagen from their bodies using enzymes, then break the collagen down into peptides with hydrolysis. This results in hydrolysed collagen with high purity and integrity which is very easy for your body to absorb.

  • High-quality marine collagen can help with:
  • Increasing muscle mass
  • Improving joint health
  • Building bone density

The most important thing is the quality of the collagen. Some collagen gets contaminated with toxins from the farming of the animals. Contamination can also occur during the extraction and hydrolysis of collagen. You need to look for the best liquid collagen for weight loss. So make sure that they are very upfront about where their collagen comes from.

What makes Kollo Health’s collagen the best collagen for weight loss?

Each daily sachet of Kollo Health’s collagen contains 10g of premium-grade marine collagen. The collagen is Naticol, and there is loads of information about the sustainability, purity and integrity of Naticol collagen. When developing Kollo Health’s collagen, we followed both the science and the experience of collagen users at every stage.

Highlights of Kollo Health’s collagen include:

  • We fortified our liquid supplement with B vitamins, vitamin C and l-lysine. This strengthens your collagen production even more.
  • The liquid formula means your body doesn't have to break anything down to access the nutrients.
  • It is easy to take each day - simply empty a sachet into a glass of water and drink.
  • The tropical taste is delicious. It comes from natural, sugar-free flavourings.

In addition to all that, Kollo Health’s collagen has Informed Choice certification. This means it is skip-lot tested for banned substances under the Informed Choice program, making it a safer supplement for athletes to use. We have won numerous awards and received more than 4,000 5-star reviews from verified buyers. We feel certain when we say we have the best collagen for weight loss.

Will Kollo Health’s collagen make me thin?

Kollo Health’s collagen is not a 'dieting' supplement, even if it is the best collagen for weight loss. It is about holistic health through a pro-collagen lifestyle. We recommend taking it as part of your weight loss journey. You will need to combine it with exercise and a healthy, low-calorie diet.

The benefits of doing this will be many. You will look and feel younger and healthier. You will reduce your risk of serious health concerns. And your quality of life will improve to no end. It may be challenging, but it is definitely worthwhile if you can make it work.

Learn more about Kollo Health's collagen

There is a wealth of information to discover on our website. First, there are details about our company and our product to help you understand our mission better. Second, there is information about the science behind collagen supplements. And third, you will find a section dedicated to showcasing unedited customer reviews from verified buyers.

If you want to keep learning, you could browse our Blog section to read dozens of articles about Kollo Health and collagen. We recommend you educate yourself before committing to anything. The benefits of using collagen to lose weight are far-reaching and impressive, so we're confident you'll like what you find.

If you still have questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch. You can reach our team through the Contact page and we are ready to answer your questions.

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