
What vitamins are in Kollo Health's collagen?

OC by Olivia Coleman
09 December 2022

What collagen-boosting vitamins are in Kollo and what do they do?

Kollo is a powerful collagen supplement that’s based around a daily dosage of 10g premium-grade marine collagen peptides. But the advanced liquid formula contains more than just collagen. It is also packed with some of the most important collagen-boosting vitamins to enhance its effectiveness. These vitamins work to fuel the mechanisms that produce collagen in your body. They also offer a number of additional health benefits as well.

Read on to learn more about the vitamins in Kollo and what they do for your collagen production and other things in your body.

How is new collagen made in the body?

Collagen synthesis, or formulation of new collagen, is a multi-step process. It requires a number of structures and nutrients. It occurs both within and outside of fibroblasts, which are the unique collagen-producing cells found in our connective tissues.

How does it happen?

  • Transcription: In the nucleus, mRNA transcribes genes that provide the ‘code’. Your body will later translate this to form the individual chains of amino acids that go into a collagen molecule.

  • Translation: In the cytoplasm, mRNA and ribosomes translate the codes that were previously transcribed. This results in the formulation of a structure called a pre-pro-polypeptide chain.

  • Post-translational processing: Inside the endoplasmic reticulum, your body starts removing peptides at one end of the chain. With the help of vitamin C and enzymes, a chemical group known as hydroxyl is added to some of the peptides. Your body also adds a carbohydrate to each of these hydroxylated peptides (making them glycosylated). Subsequently, the chains of amino acids twist together into a triple helix.

  • Intracellular processing: This occurs in the Golgi apparatus – the structure is now ‘procollagen’. With a few final changes, your body uses the procollagen to build secretory vesicles to transport it outside the cell.

  • Tropocollagen formation: Collagen peptidase enzymes remove peptides from procollagen molecules. This transforms it into tropocollagen.

  • Synthesis of collagen fibril: Another enzyme - lysyl oxidase - bonds the tropocollagen molecules together. This yields the final product: a collagen fibril.

Various other trace vitamins and minerals play a role throughout these processes. Good health in the nucleus, cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus are important for this process to occur efficiently. Your body also needs the right nutrients for the enzymes in the final two steps to function correctly. It was all this that led to the decisions for which collagen-boosting vitamins would go into Kollo.

What collagen-boosting vitamins does Kollo include?

The marine collagen peptides supply the impetus of amino acids that form the basis of the procollagen. But Kollo also supplies other vitamins to power the process of collagen formation. Here are the collagen-boosting vitamins in Kollo and what they do:

Vitamin C

As you can see in the previous section, vitamin C plays a key role in the production of a chemical group called hydroxyl. This serves to help form the triple helix of procollagen. Essentially, if you are not getting enough vitamin C, your body cannot produce collagen well. Vitamin C is also important for healthy skin, bones and blood vessels. Moreover it can accelerate wound healing and provide broad protection for your cells. 

It is most often seen in acidic fruits like strawberries or citrus fruits like lemons and oranges. We provide 100% of your RDA in the Kollo formula to ensure you get your full daily intake to support collagen synthesis.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is essential for our metabolism. It is a precursor, meaning that it helps certain enzymes in the body to their jobs. It plays varied roles around the body, but it plays a particularly important role in the regeneration of collagen. This is because your body requires several enzymes to make collagen production happen.

Vitamin B1 is often used in combination with other B vitamins. You can get it from foods like sunflower and flax seeds, kale, asparagus, oranges, potatoes, beans, meat, nuts and eggs. In Kollo, we supply 63% of your RDA to ensure you are getting a healthy daily dose – the other 37% is likely to come from your diet. There is no upper limit to how much of this vitamin you can consume each day.

Vitamin B5

The primary role of vitamin B5, or Pantothenic Acid, is to help the body extract key nutrients from food that provide energy and power other mechanisms around the body. Studies have also shown it can help with the clearing of acne, so it is often used to treat that particular skin condition. Naturally, the absorption of nutrients from what we consume is crucial to collagen formation (and many other things). So vitamin B5 is very important.

We supply 100% of your RDA of vitamin B5 in Kollo. You can also get it from complex carbohydrates like wholegrain bread, or from good fats like those in avocados

Vitamin B6

Also known as Pyroxine, the main purpose of vitamin B6 is to aid in the production and storage of proteins and carbohydrates. It is also important for the production of haemoglobin. This moves oxygen throughout the body to keep the heart functioning well. Essentially, vitamin B6 helps ensure the nutrients you absorb get where they need to be effectively. Consequently,  it is important for supplying your body with everything it needs to produce collagen, among other things.

Again, Kollo supplies 86% of your RDA of vitamin B6. Dietary sources of the vitamin include organ meats, mushrooms, nuts and seeds, dairy products, potatoes, oats and brown rice.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is an extremely important nutrient for the body and, as such, it is one of the most common food supplements. It plays a key role in various internal functions, including the metabolism and the nervous system. It can also bring about improvements in the production of bone marrow and red blood cells. People trying to regulate/improve their fitness or body fat are often prescribed vitamin B12.

This vitamin has many benefits for producing the red blood cells that transport nutrients around the body. As such, we include 100% of your RDA of vitamin B12 in Kollo. You will also find it in heart-smart foods like fatty fish, eggs, dairy and also nutritional yeast, cereals and mushrooms.

Other recommended nutrients

We recommend using Kollo as part of a pro-collagen lifestyle. It is a powerful supplement that provides collagen peptides and several key complementary nutrients. But there is more you can do to boost your collagen levels. Certain lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, wearing sunscreen and reducing stress can help. In addition, you should incorporate the following collagen-boosting vitamins and minerals in your diet:

  • Zinc (from tropical fruits and cashews)

  • Copper (from beans and cashews)

  • Sulfur (from garlic)

  • Chlorophyll (from leafy greens)

  • Antioxidants (from berries, tomatoes, spinach, etc.)

It is also recommended to eat a high-protein diet and try to keep sugar and refined carbohydrates to a minimum. This is because they cause inflammation and damage collagen. They could undermine your efforts to boost your collagen levels.

Kollo: premium collagen and collagen-boosting vitamins

The development of Kollo was in line with the science to produce a potent collagen supplement. Aside from the fact it contains high-quality collagen peptides and all those collagen-boosting vitamins, it also comes in a liquid formula. As a result, it is easy to take each day, it tastes great, and all those nutrients can absorb as easily as possible.

We have thought of everything so that you don’t need to, and we provide a wealth of additional information on our website. We encourage you to make changes across the board to lead a pro-collagen lifestyle. It is our firm belief that there is no better supplement than Kollo to base that new lifestyle around.

Why should I choose Kollo?

  • The unique formulation of collagen peptides and collagen-boosting vitamins

  • A high daily dosage of 10g premium grade collagen peptides

  • Liquid suspension that delivers a consistent dosage and maximum bioavailability

  • The great taste from natural, sugar-free tropical flavourings

  • Multi-award winning food supplement

  • Informed Sport certification for superior safety and trust

  • Over 2,000 5-star reviews and counting

You can learn more about our brand and product by exploring our website. You will find sections that tell you all about us, our mission and what goes into our liquid collagen supplements. There are also links to scientific studies and an extensive showcase of unedited customer reviews from verified buyers. And if you want to learn more about collagen, don’t forget to visit our blog to read articles on everything there is to know.

If you still have questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and our team will endeavour to answer them. 

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