Why is collagen important?

We’re all familiar with the benefits of collagen for face skin, and collagen for hair health, but do you know the overall importance of it?
Let's delve into the details…
Keeps your skin, hair and nails healthy
It’s vital to know the importance of collagen for skin health.
As a protein, it’s found in our hair, bones, muscles and other tissues (pretty much everywhere), but as the largest organ in our body, it helps our skin in many ways. Our bodies create collagen naturally on a daily basis, but as we age this begins to reduce, and we also produce collagen which is of a lesser-quality, but don’t fret, this takes years to notice a difference. This is why so many beauty and hair products include collagen, such as pure collagen, as anti-ageing properties.
Ensuring we get enough collagen can help fight premature ageing by replacing skin cells, minimising oxidative stress, and binding everything together to keep our skin elasticated and looking youthful. For hair, it helps boost elasticity, creating a fuller, thicker look. Neocell collagen and neocell super collagen are specifically great for skin, as well as keeping our nails in check.
Benefits for our physical health
It’s not just about the skin. Jointace collagen is great for maintaining your bone and cartilage heath, which helps in an active lifestyle, another hidden importance of this protein.
As part of a healthy lifestyle, collagen can be found in a lot of different foods, such as protein-rich chicken, fish, eggs and pork, as well as vitamin C-laden fruit, including the citrus family, broccoli and tomatoes. But, if you need a little help, our range of collagen products at Kollo Health, such as a daily collagen drink, can help you get that regular fix on top of a healthy diet.
Improve muscle mass
Combined with regular exercise and a suitable diet, increasing collagen intake can even improve muscle mass. Muscle mass is important for strength, so whether you’re big into your fitness or just like staying active, ensuring you have a regular intake of collagen is vital.Our bodies are made from around 20% protein, and 30% of this is collagen, so it’s a third of all our protein! The best collagen we can treat our bodies to is the natural kind, but as we said before, as we age it starts to decline, so our range of products can help.
Important for organs
For those of you who thought collagen was only important for your skin’s health, here’s the amazing part. It’s not just physical health and muscle mass which are also impacted, but collagen, specifically type 3, supports muscles and organs, as well as your artery health.Keeping organs healthy comes with much larger contributing factors, but with a regular intake of collagen you can do that extra bit.
Remember to avoid the following
So now we understand collagen’s importance for the skin and overall body health, it’s worth remembering factors such as excessive sun exposure, a sugar-heavy diet, alcohol and smoking will not only impact your health and appearance in a negative way, but also hinder collagen production.For more about our range of products, including pure gold collagen, or greener ways to get your fix through vegetarian collagen and marine collagen, explore the full range, or check out our latest blog entries for more tips.