Why should I include collagen in my haircare routine?

Collagen and your hair may seem like quite an unlikely duo, but collagen has long been considered to offer a range of benefits to your hair. At Kollo Health, we have put together this guide on the benefits that collagen could have on your hair and we're certain it will convince you to make it the new star of your routine.
It should be noted that collagen can be infused into your diet in several ways, such as powder, tablets, or supplements.
1. Help rectify hair follicle damage
The addition of collagen into your hair care routine could help cancel out some of the damage done to hair follicles as a result of environmental factors such as stress, alcohol, smoking, and poor diets. This is because it is rich in antioxidising properties, which help rectify hair follicle damage and fight free radicals in the first place.
2. Reduces the effects of hair thinning
It could be argued that collagen has positive effects when it comes to reducing hair thinning. This is because hair follicles are trapped within the skin’s dermal layer. Over time, this layer becomes weaker and weaker. Yet, by incorporating supplements into your routine, this dermal layer can be strengthened as collagen has long since been proven to boost skin elasticity. This means that hair follicles will remain tightly compacted within the skin’s dermis, rather than thinning and falling out.
3. Strengthening properties
By incorporating collagen into your hair care routine, you could be doing your hair a world of good in strengthening terms. Collagen is made up of three nonessential amino acids, one of which is proline. Proline is also the main component of keratin, a key protein for hair that helps to eliminate frizz and split ends. As such, consuming collagen which is rich in proline could provide your body with the building blocks it needs to strengthen hair.
For more information on the advantages of collagen in haircare, contact our friendly and professional team at Kollo Health today.