Fit & Well | June 2020
MY MORNING routine is pretty unusual. I get up at 2am because I’ve been presenting breakfast shows for so long and over the years, getting up at 2am has just become the norm for me.
I love food and always have some fruit on the go, lots of veggies, avocados, plenty of protein like chicken and eggs – and I make an effort to drink as much water as I can. I’m not one of those people that can do intermittent fasting, it’s all about eating everything in moderation. I must admit my greatest weakness is pizza: a straight-up margarita topped with loads and loads of chillies, so that it’s so hot no-one can share it with me!
Fitness has always played a big part in my life. I’ve been running since my student days and in 2009, I signed up for my first marathon. It was a huge turning point for me getting through such an unbelievable race.
I’m obsessed with beauty products and over the years, I’ve tried collagen products and I really believe that the right formula equals better skin health. After years of trying others, my husband and I created our own formula. This way we could tailor it to tick all the boxes: collagen, vitamins, and a great taste, all in one sachet, which you could take daily. For me, it was imperative to find not only an ingredient that had clinical studies to prove it actually worked, but also to pack our daily sachet with as much of it as possible...and that is exactly what we have done, with 7g of marine collagen in each sachet.
Launching a product like this has been extremely exciting but doing it during lockdown was quite daunting. However, the feedback from clients has been amazing especially because our skin, nails and hair has been suffering and this has proved a wonder product.
Aside from work and home-schooling my daughter Ella, we have been filling our days in lockdown much like every other family in self-isolation; we have been finding ways to keep us all entertained, active and occupied and to keep building happy memories at this unsettling time.
We have had fun making some family TikTok dance videos and doing yoga in our back garden. I am also a huge fan of podcasts and with my love for running, have enjoyed creating content for my RunPod series, which has hopefully been a good source of helpful advice for runners during the coronavirus pandemic.
For more details on the podcast and Kollo, visit: #runpod and ■