Joanna's Story

My name is Joanna and I am a Kollo Health customer. When I saw this advertised I wasn’t convinced it was going to work, as I’ve tried products similar in the past and not felt any difference, but with Jenni Falconer advertising I thought I’d give it ago. The reason is that I have cancer and have been on chemo on and off for 10 years. I am now on permanent Chemo and because of this my skin has suffered. It’s so dry and flakey.
I received my box of Kollo and have been taking it now for coming up to 6 months and I have noticed my skin has improved a lot. It’s less dry. I’ve been really happy with that result and it tastes lovely as well. I know it’s from the Kollo drink as for a month I didn’t get a supply, as I forgot to change my debit card details and tell Kollo health and in that month of not taking it I noticed my skin became dry again.
Thankfully I have got my supply again and it has improved. The customer service is next to none and I really advocate this product. Obviously if you are on Chemo just check with the oncologist it’s fine to take.
Fantastic product
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*Disclaimer: Please note that the results that you experience when using this product may vary, depending on your body, skin condition and your skin type. These products are not designed to replace any medical treatments for any skin conditions or other diseases, and as such, we cannot guarantee that they will successfully diagnose, or provide treatments, cures or prevention for any specific ailments that you may suffer. The use of this product as a treatment for medical conditions is to be undertaken entirely at the customer's own personal risk.*
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