
How marine collagen can help reduce the appearance of cellulite

NW by Natasha Whiting
29 October 2020

How collagen can help reduce the appearance of cellulite

Cellulite is something that many of us deal with, and the unfortunate truth is that there is no cure or no sure-fire way to eliminate it. However, there are a few things you can do to minimise its appearance without having to spend hours in surgery or at the gym.

What is cellulite?

Firstly, it’s important to know what actually cellulite is. It is caused by a change to the layer of fat underneath the skin. The fat cells enlarge and put pressure on the layers of collagen fibre and connective tissue, creating a bumpy appearance. It is more commonly seen in women as they have more fat on their body and a thinner layer of skin, particularly around the legs and thighs.

What can make it worse?

Although cellulite is a natural process and can happen to anyone, there are certain factors that make cellulite more likely:

• Larger percentage of body fat
• Poor diet
• Dehydration
• Pale skin
• An inactive lifestyle

How can you lessen the appearance of cellulite?

Treatments for cellulite that you can get in the salon can be ineffective in achieving long-term results for diminishing cellulite as it targets the dermis skin layer instead of the root cause. Decreased levels of collagen are one of the direct causes, as the collagen layer is what separates the fat cells from the surface of the skin.

Taking collagen supplements is one way to ensure you have efficient collagen levels, and the Kollo health supplements contain a whopping 10g of collagen, as well as an abundance of other vitamins and minerals that nourish your skin and body.

Additionally, if you don’t already include some sort of exercise in your lifestyle, incorporating just 150 minutes a week of moderate activity can be effective in reducing the size of fat cells, as well as toning muscles and increasing the elasticity of connective tissue. This shrinking of the fat cells means that they will not be pushed up so close to the skin, which is what creates the dimple-like appearance.

If you want to minimise the appearance of cellulite, click below to shop the range of daily marine collagen supplements and get ready to see results!


Visit Kollo for more information on our Premium Liquid Marine Collagen 

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