
Marine Collagen vs Bovine Collagen: Which is Better?

NW by Natasha Whiting
13 June 2022

Collagen peptides are popular in the cosmetic and wellness industries right now, and there is a good reason. Collagen is a potent nutrient that offers important amino acids. We simply don't get enough of these from our diets, and the benefits to our health and beauty are abundant. But, not all collagen supplements are equal.
The collagen they contain can come from cows (bovine collagen), fish (marine collagen) or even pigs and chickens. Collagen from these different sources is not the same. So, we have created this guide to help you understand the differences between bovine collagen and marine collagen. By the end, you will have an idea of which is better.

So, Just What is Collagen, Exactly?

Collagen is a protein that makes up approximately 30% of the proteins within the body. It's important for healthy, glowing skin, luscious hair, and long, strong nails. As we get older and our natural supply of this protein dwindles, it becomes increasingly important to top it up with supplements. There are two main types of collagen: marine collagen (made from fish) and bovine collagen (made from cowhide).

Collagen peptides can help stimulate our bodies' natural collagen synthesis to keep those levels as high as possible. You could do this by sipping bone broth or eating the skin and tendons of animals, but this does not appeal to everyone. An easy intake of collagen in powder or liquid form is a preferable option for the vast majority of us.

The advantages of doing this are many:

  • Improved skin health
  • Longer, stronger nails
  • Thicker hair
  • Supple joints
  • Stronger bones

Collagen Can Even Support Muscle Repair

The collagen peptides used in the food supplement come from cattle (bovine), pigs (porcine), fish (marine) or chicken. The benefits of each type vary slightly. Depending on the type of collagen, it originates from the skin, scales or bones of the animal in question. Many experts believe that collagen peptides are a fantastic source of protein. They are also essential for well-rounded nutrition.

What Are Bovine Collagen and Marine Collagen?


The production of bovine collagen supplements extracts collagen from the hide of cattle. It is usually available in a powder or pill form. There will be variations in taste and smell, so it is wise to compare reviews and look for unflavoured bovine collagen. Bovine collagen is mainly made up of Type I and Type III collagen, both of which are present in the human body. The benefits will be mostly experienced in the skin and, perhaps, the connective tissues in the digestive system. One of the concerns with bovine collagen is its quality, which mainly comes down to the source.

The parts of the animal that the collagen comes from are by-products of the meat industry. This means the cattle are often not grass-fed and may have consumed lots of antibiotics and hormones to help with their development. Tests on bovine collagen have found it to be impure and contaminated with these other chemicals. This may restrict its effectiveness. It also makes it less appealing to people looking to avoid putting harmful substances into their bodies.


Marine collagen originates from the skin and scales of fish. A process called hydrolysis helps break down the collagen to make it easier to digest once consumed. This means it yields maximum benefits as a supplement and doesn't put much strain on the digestive system. Some companies use other methods involving solvents or heat to extract the collagen. The downside is these can expose us to harmful contaminants and result in the end product being more difficult to absorb. It is recommended that you only take hydrolyzed collagen supplements to ensure they are safe and effective.

Marine collagen is sometimes offered in powder or capsule form, but we prefer the liquid version. It is quick and easy to consume in a delicious shot form. Marine collagen is primarily composed of Type I collagen. This is the most abundant in the human body. It is bioavailable, meaning our bodies can absorb it fast and put it to use for synthesizing collagen efficiently. The easy digestion is particularly helpful for people with digestive disorders. It may also benefit people who have had discomfort with other types of collagen.

How is Marine Collagen Better Than Bovine Collagen?

Marine collagen has several advantages over bovine collagen, making it a superior choice for those looking to improve their skin, joint health, and overall well-being. Let's explore further why marine collagen is better than bovine collagen.

Its Structure

Marine collagen is better for the human body than bovine collagen for various reasons, but chief among these is its unique structure. Marine collagen tends to contain more amino acids and glycine than bovine varieties, which are essential for skin health. Consuming a high-quality protein such as marine collagen also helps stimulate elastin production in the body, giving the skin a much more youthful appearance without wrinkles and fine lines.

Its Ingredients

Marine collagen also contains more glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) than bovine collagen. These molecules function as "shock absorbers" in joints and skin tissue. They’re an important feature of many skincare routines as they’re the key to helping us keep our skin both strong and flexible. They hold together collagen fibres, making the skin much more resistant to wrinkles and age spots for a more flawless finish. Swap the foundation in your makeup routine for a sachet of marine collagen for a more natural spin on the viral no makeup, makeup trend.

It’s Easier To Digest

Whilst marine collagen is broken down into amino acids, bovine collagen simply passes through the intestine before excretion, leaving fewer benefits behind. There are many reasons for this, though the main one is that bovine collagen contains more non-collagenous proteins than marine collagen, which proves harder for our bodies to break down.

Regardless of whether a collagen supplement is marine or bovine, there's no optimal time to blend this into your daily routine, contrary to common perception. Whilst some prefer to end their day with a steaming mug of tea that has a collagen sachet swirled in, there's no reason why you can't start the day off this way, too. Our bodies are able to break down marine collagen supplements more efficiently than they can with bovine collagen supplements, so you're free to take it when you wish.

It Can Reduce Pain and Inflammation

As marine collagen breaks down in our bodies, we reap several benefits. For example, its bioavailability means that our bodies can use collagen to reduce the presence of pain and inflammation in the joints, which helps to improve mobility and flexibility. This makes marine collagen the ideal supplement for gymgoers.

It’s also a great option for those suffering from conditions like fibromyalgia and arthritis because marine collagen helps tackle the root cause of these conditions: inflammation. Inflammation triggers a faster breakdown of collagen, leading to stiffness, joint pain, and a loss of flexibility.

Supplementing their diets with marine collagen can help people with fibromyalgia and arthritis reduce their painful symptoms.

It's Better for the Environment

When compared to the process of creating bovine collagen, marine collagen is a much more ethical and sustainable option. Marine collagen is made from excess fish by-products, which can be frozen and shipped to our Kollo Health facilities before being turned into supplements.

Bovine collagen, on the other hand, is made from cows. In some cases, it’s collected as a by-product from the cows slaughtered by the food industry, meaning it’s ethically collected. However, it’s much more expensive to treat and transport. This is because cattle need land to roam, food to eat and water to drink, which isn’t the same for fish.

Whether you choose marine or bovine collagen, it's important to consider the sourcing and sustainability of the product. Look for collagen sourced from responsibly managed farms or fisheries to ensure that your supplement is both effective and eco-friendly.

What about collagen supplements with other ingredients added?

Some brands fortify their collagen products with other nutrients, such as Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin B7, and Vitamin C.

Research has shown that these nutrients work well with collagen peptides to maximise their benefits. Obtaining these additional nutrients in your supplements is efficient and convenient, but you can also obtain them from a healthy, balanced diet. Some people prefer to take a pure collagen peptide supplement with no added ingredients. They prefer to consume their separate nutrients elsewhere.

Some collagen sources with other ingredients indeed add unhealthy extras, such as sugar, to add flavour. But a high-quality product adds only carefully selected ingredients. This can drastically boost the collagen's effectiveness and enhance the benefits.

Another thing to consider is the dosage of the supplement. Many products have a very low dosage that is unlikely to have the desired effect when consumed. Our marine collagen is 10,000 mg (10 grams) per serving, so you can be confident that it will provide plenty of amino acids for your body to absorb.

So which is better - bovine collagen or marine collagen?

Everyone's body is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Collagen is a powerful nutrient for health and cosmetics in any high-quality product. Other factors include dietary preferences, intolerances/allergies, lifestyle and budget.

Marine collagen is better for various reasons. The two fundamental advantages are the purity and the bioavailability. Here are some pros and cons of both types:

Bovine collagen pros:

  • There are grass-fed options available
  • It contains Type I and Type III collagen
  • The price is often cheaper than marine collagen
  • It is free from the top 14 allergens

Bovine collagen cons:

  • It is not suitable for pescatarians (or vegetarians, vegans, etc.)
  • The large molecule structure is harder to digest
  • The collagen is less similar to human collagen than the marine alternative

Marine collagen pros:

  • Suitable for pescatarians (but not vegetarians, vegans, etc.)
  • There are sustainably caught options
  • Contains Type I collagen in high-purity
  • Smaller molecules are potentially easier to digest
  • The size is very similar to human collagen

Marine collagen cons:

  • Generally more expensive than bovine collagen
  • Not suitable for people with seafood allergies

The choice between these two types of collagen can also be influenced by personal dietary restrictions, ethical considerations, and specific health goals.

Can I take both types together?

Many people choose to consume both marine and bovine collagen together to maximise their benefits. By consuming high-quality versions of both, you could get the most benefit from both types of collagen.

However, you would need to take care to ensure you are not taking too high a dosage of collagen. There have been reports of some mild side effects in people consuming more than 20 grams of collagen per day. Taking both supplements together is possible, but you should do so with care.

How can I tell if a collagen supplement is good?

It's important to be aware of the things to look for when choosing a collagen supplement:

The ingredients

Unwanted additives and ingredients can serve as empty calories or even unwanted contaminants. Look out for things like bulking agents, additives or synthetic ingredients, as these are not helpful. Some of these fillers may even contain allergens like grains or milk. Take extra care to examine the ingredients before buying.

Lab testing

Taste, consistency and odour will vary from one collagen supplement to the next. But you do not want any variation in nutritional value. High-quality supplements are subject to routine lab testing to ensure every batch is up to standard. This way, you can ensure they are free from:

  • Microbes
  • Toxins
  • Heavy metals
  • Mycotoxins
  • Dioxins
  • Pesticides
  • PCBs

The packaging

Many collagen supplements come in non-recyclable plastic tubs or pouches, which use lots of unnecessary packaging. This is wasteful and bad for the environment. Instead, look for products with minimal packaging that use recyclable or compostable materials.

Kollo Health’s Premium Liquid Marine Collagen

If you think marine collagen sounds like the right option for you, please take a minute to look at our delicious Premium Marine liquid collagen. We tick all the right boxes for a high-quality marine collagen supplement. With thousands of satisfied customers, we’re confident that you’ll notice the difference. Discover the benefits of our premium product today and start your journey to better health and beauty

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