
Collagen Supplements And Menopause

OC by Olivia Coleman
21 July 2022

During every woman's life, they inevitably go through menopause. This stage typically occurs around a year after a person has the last and final menstrual cycle. Menopause represents the beginning of a new chapter in a woman's life and also their body.

During this change, the body reduces the production of certain proteins, including collagen. Collagen is a part of the body that contributes to healthy skin, bones, and joints, and its production decreases in our late twenties. When a woman hits menopause, collagen production continues to drop significantly.

In this blog post, we cover everything you need to know about collagen supplements and menopause and how to embrace a new part of your life with the help of Kollo Health.

What Is Menopause and When Does It Occur?

Menopause is an integral part of a woman's life that signals an end to their monthly menstrual cycles and a point where they can no longer conceive and give birth to children. Menopause can happen at different times of life for everyone but typically occurs in a woman's later life, usually from the age of 45-55.

In the run-up to menopause, women may notice changes in their monthly cycles and experience symptoms like hot flashes. Menopause actually defines the period around a year after a woman's last period. In this phase, a woman can experience major changes to her health, often triggered by a depleting collagen supply.

What Is Collagen and How Does It Affect the Body?

Collagen is a vital protein our bodies produce to support our overall well-being. This protein helps to form, repair, and maintain the condition of our skin, bones, joints, and even heart. Typically, you experience fewer pain complaints and issues in youth as our bodies have a plentiful supply of collagen to promote optimum health.

However, as we get older, especially for women during menopause, the levels of natural collagen drop. This makes you more prone to the common signs of ageing, as well as common aches, pains and illnesses. It is at this point in life that many women turn to collagen supplements to help tackle the effects of menopause and limited collagen production.

The Different Ways You Can Supplement Collagen

There are a number of different ways you could choose to supplement collagen during and post-menopause. The type you choose depends on your individual needs, so it's important to educate yourself before starting to take a new collagen supplement. Read on below to find out your options when it comes to collagen supplements and menopause.


One of the most common ways to take any health supplement is in the form of a pill or capsule. This is a convenient and easy way to take a daily dose of collagen. However, it is worth noting that the casing and fillers included in these supplements can sometimes reduce the actual dose of collagen your body receives. This may mean you feel fewer benefits overall.


You can also take collagen in liquid form, which typically comes as a drink or shot that you consume on a daily basis. This can prove a good alternative for people who struggle with taking pills. However, many liquid collagen drinks contain artificial flavouring that limits the dose of pure collagen. Liquid drinks are also less convenient to travel with, meaning you might be skipping daily doses of collagen.

Powder To Liquid

Powder to liquid collagen commonly involves emptying a sachet of collagen powder into a drink to consume. This is considered one of the most effective ways to ingest collagen, as it is easily absorbed by the body. Hydrolysed powder collagen also gives an extremely pure dose of daily collagen.

Here at Kollo Health, we have developed a Premium Liquid Marine Collagen supplement to make taking collagen effective and simple for every woman going through menopause and beyond. Our formula comes from marine collagen (which originates from fish), but the finished product couldn't taste any better! The slight tropical juice flavour of the powder-to-liquid supplement is delightful. This makes it easy to take every morning before heading out for your busy day at work.

Now that we understand the different forms of collagen supplements, let’s explore the specific benefits they offer during menopause

The Benefits of Taking Collagen Supplements During Menopause

Now that we have identified all of the ways you can supplement collagen, it's time to get into the countless benefits that come from taking this protein during menopause. Collagen plays a crucial role in maintaining skin elasticity, joint comfort, and hair strength, all of which are affected during this stage of life.

Boost Skin Elasticity

It is common during menopause for a woman to notice a loss of youthful glow and radiance in her skin. This is often accompanied by a reduction in skin elasticity and the formation of wrinkles and fine lines.

These symptoms appear because the level of collagen in the body, which is responsible for supple and hydrated skin, drops significantly. For this reason, many women, both during and after menopause, turn to collagen supplements to help build up healthy levels of collagen in their bodies.

A clinical study has proven that the type 1 marine collagen peptides in Kollo Health’s collagen can improve the appearance of wrinkles. After two weeks of daily supplementation, consumers reported that their skin felt firmer, brighter, and more hydrated and radiant. By reducing these signs of ageing, you can help yourself feel more confident in your skin.

Improve Joint Pain

According to a clinical trial, the type 1 marine collagen peptides used in Kollo Health’s collagen can help improve joint pain within just four weeks. In another, participants reported that their joint pain was reduced and physical function of the joints increased after daily collagen supplementation for 12 weeks.

The protein collagen is also produced to support and strengthen our bones, joints and cartilage. This helps us have a comfortable range of movement and also recover swiftly from damage and injury. When entering menopause, it is common for women to find discomfort in their joints. Likely, this is due to the further drop in collagen production. By taking a daily collagen supplement, you could help support your joints throughout menopause and beyond and free yourself from daily aches and pains.

Increase Hair Growth

Many women find that their hair condition also declines upon entering menopause. This may be their hair becoming more brittle with less shine or even hair loss and a reduction of hair growth. Many of our customers here at Kollo Health find that our supplements help to keep their hair healthy and strong.

Regular collagen production also supports healthy hair and nails throughout our lives. During menopause, you may find your hair is more brittle or perhaps falling out more than it previously has. Another symptom may be that your hair isn't as quick to grow or hair follicles break easily. Supplementing your lost collagen during menopause can help support the healthy growth of hair and maintain thickness and shine.

Help With Bone Density

In addition to collagen, a woman's body also decreases oestrogen production during menopause. This can contribute to a lower bone density, meaning that you're more prone to damaging and even breaking bones. Combined with a limited collagen supply, this makes recovery longer and further damage more likely.

Low bone density can make life very uncomfortable, as well as lead to severe mobility conditions like osteoporosis. As a preventative measure, it's worth considering taking a daily collagen supplement to boost bone density.

Helps Prevent Weight Gain\

Due to fluctuating hormones and bodily changes, some women find they gain unwanted weight during menopause. Some studies have found collagen to promote a feeling of "fullness,” meaning you have less of an appetite and are potentially avoiding putting on excess weight. As we grow older, and especially during menopause, it can be even harder to shift and lose weight. Consider supplementing daily collagen to assist in your weight loss goals.

How Long Does It Take To Feel the Benefits of Collagen Supplements?

With any health supplement, it takes some time and patience to feel and witness the full effects. This is because our bodies not only need to get used to new proteins and vitamins, but they also have to process them and put them to use in the body.

Here at Kollo Health, we appreciate our customers want to see great results fast, particularly during menopause when women experience major bodily changes. Our Premium Liquid Marine Collagen supplement helps you take back control of your life, with our customers reporting feeling benefits in under 5 weeks.

It's worth noting that health supplements affect every person differently; some people may take longer to see results, and you should allow up to 12 weeks.

Fight the Effects of Menopause by Taking Collagen From Kollo Health

When we created the Premium Liquid Marine Collagen supplement at Kollo Health, we took the conditions of women going through the symptoms of menopause into account. One of our main aims with this supplement was to help women feel confident in themselves again and free from any pain and discomfort that comes along with this new stage of life.

Our innovative supplement contains the highest-quality marine collagen, which closely resembles the protein that is naturally produced in our bodies. We combine this with a blend of nutrients and vitamins to help support you through menopause and beyond.

Don't just take our word for it; read some of the many reviews from our loyal customers who couldn't be without Premium Liquid Marine Collagen to help them through their menopausal years.

Testimonies about Kollo Health’s Premium Liquid Marine Collagen

Our customers across the world can't live without our high-quality collagen supplement. It helps them with health and aesthetic concerns during menopause and beyond. Read on to find out even more about our award-winning supplement from real customers who can no longer live without a daily dose of marine collagen. You can find even more testimonies by visiting our website today.


"I’m a 45-year-old peri-menopausal female who needs to scream and shout about Kollo from the rooftops! I’ve only been taking my daily shot for a little over 2 months but I am beyond impressed with the results."


"So I have to absolutely RAVE about Kollo for a minute. It has changed everything. My hair has grown back from a major fallout from anaemia and is glossy and strong for the first time in years. Also, my nails are strong for the first time ever as they are normally papery and flake off. My cystic hormonal acne has DISAPPEARED! I feel energised and myself again and it’s the only thing I’ve changed. I’m obsessed and never going back. Also, it’s an amazing hangover cure!! Who knew?! Really has been absolutely incredible and helped my confidence so much."


"I have just finished my second box and I am really happy with the results so far. Been taking Kollo for almost 4 weeks and my nails have never felt stronger. Looking forward to continuing taking Kollo. Can I also mention the team at Kollo were very helpful. I cannot recommend the product and customer service enough."

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to feel the benefits of daily collagen?

All health supplements take some time to get into the body and work their magic. It takes time for the body to process them. The great thing about Kollo Health's marine collagen supplement is that the collagen we use resembles what is naturally produced in the body. This means it absorbs into the bloodstream fast. We know you want to see swift results.

So, we are happy to share that our customers report results less than five weeks after starting our daily Premium Liquid Marine Collagen. Bear in mind that every person has a different response to supplements. Some people may take longer to see results - you should allow up to 12 weeks.

What Nutrients Are in Kollo Health’s Collagen?

Kollo Health’s collagen is fortified with a host of additional vitamins and minerals to help you feel your best, including Vitamin C and Vitamin B12. Vitamin C is proven to support collagen production, which is why it's so vital that Kollo Health’s collagen provides 100% of the recommended daily intake. Vitamin C also plays an integral role in keeping the skin healthy, so you might see additional skin benefits when taking Kollo Health’s collagen compared to other collagen supplements.

Vitamin B12 supports healthy blood and nerve cells and helps reduce the risk of anaemia. Due to hormonal changes, menopausal women are at risk of B12 deficiency, but getting your recommended intake via Kollo Health's collagen could help combat the tiredness and fatigue common with B12 deficiency.

How long should I take collagen for?

You experience more collagen benefits when taking the supplement for the long term. As such, we recommend a consistent daily dose throughout your menopausal period and beyond. This means you can see consistent results and build up a healthy supply of collagen.

Which is the best type of collagen for menopause?

People are turning en masse to the latest type, marine collagen, made from collagen protein sourced from fish. This is because a number of scientific studies have emerged about its effectiveness. It has a high collagen content that absorbs easily into the body.

Customers also describe it as a more sustainable, eco-friendly product, many of whom prefer it to bovine collagen. Some people can’t take bovine collagen for religious or ethical reasons, so they prefer marine collagen.

Marine collagen is available in several different forms, including liquid, powder, or tablets. It is tasteless and odourless. Part of its popularity is due to new research emerging constantly. The evidence that collagen may help delay the signs of ageing is growing, which concerns many women about post-menopause.

Is collagen for menopause backed by science?

Backed by science, Kollo Health’s top collagen supplement uses 10g of Type I marine collagen peptides per dose. The formula also includes vitamins B and C, improving collagen's absorption rate. This further enhances the body's natural collagen formation.

The Kollo Health collagen formula also contains L-lysine to boost the immune system. The combination of specially selected ingredients aims to improve health in the skin, nails, hair, joints, and bones. Women going through menopause need support the most in these areas.

The science behind the "anti-ageing" label suggests collagen keeps the body supple and healthier in appearance. This is important during menopause, a time of great change. Some customers choose a monthly subscription plan, investing in the structure of their body. This gives them a daily 10g dose of liquid collagen from Kollo Health.

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