Why collagen is essential for women over fifty

Looking younger and feeling fantastic does not have to end as you get older. Supplements like marine collagen could really help restore some of your vitality and improve the way you feel inside and out. So, what are some great benefits that women over fifty could see from taking collagen supplements?
Reduce the effects of menopause on your skin
When a woman reaches the menopause, oestrogen levels in the body begin to drop. This can lead to adverse effects on the skin such as reduced elasticity, sagging, wrinkles and a duller complexion. It can also lead to a drop in your collagen levels. When you take marine collagen for menopause, such as Kollo, your body is able to absorb the hydrolysed collagen peptides. This could encourage more collagen and elastin to be produced, improving skin hydration and potentially reversing some of the effects of the menopause on your skin and smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles.
Protect against bone loss
Collagen is one of the primary substances that make up bones. As collagen levels deplete through age, this can cause bones to thin and become less dense, which can lead to an increased risk of breaks, fractures and pain. Collagen could help your bones to stay young by replenishing the depleted collagen levels, reducing the health risks to your bones.
Helps with arthritis and joint problems
One of the excellent health benefits of marine collagen is that it could help to reduce the deterioration of collagen in cartilage as you get older, with the potential to stave off conditions such as arthritis and joint pain. Collagen supplements could stimulate these tissues to regenerate, allowing you to be free of aches and pains in your joints.
For a range of collagen supplements that could boost your health and well-being, visit kollohealth.com