
5 Effective Ways To Boost Collagen

BR by Ben Ronen
16 June 2024

As we age, our body's natural collagen production slows down. This lack of collagen can lead to wrinkles and joint pain. You even need collagen for hair. But don't despair! There are ways to fight back and stimulate collagen production.

Follow along as we uncover 5 ways to boost this essential nutrient, including the health benefits of high-quality collagen supplements, like Kollo Health's marine collagen 10,000mg.

Through this comprehensive approach, you'll find ways to boost collagen and regain your youthful appearance in your daily habits.

Stay Hydrated

Did you know that water makes up about 75% of your skin? Because of this fact, proper hydration is crucial for maintaining skin elasticity and plumpness. When dehydrated, skin cells become sluggish and struggle to function, leading to a dull, dry appearance.

To combat this, aim to drink eight glasses of water daily. Staying hydrated will improve your skin health and help your body produce more collagen. Carry a reusable water bottle with you and refill it regularly.

Set reminders on your phone or invest in a water tracker app. Drink plenty of water to keep up that plump, youthful skin and to support healthy collagen production.

Incorporate Collagen-Rich, Vitamin C Foods

Nourish your body from within by adding collagen-rich foods to your diet. Here are some of the prime examples of foods that are rich in collagen levels:

  • Bone broth, stewed for hours to extract goodness from bones and connective tissues, is a classic source of collagen.
  • Salmon, sardines, and mackerel contain essential omega-3 fatty acids and collagen peptides. When thinking of other seafood, you need to aim for fatty fish.
  • Citrus fruits are brimming with vitamin C, a vital nutrient for collagen synthesis. Look for fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons. Vitamin C is like a helper molecule (cofactor) for enzymes that build collagen. It gives them a boost to assemble collagen molecules properly.
  • Remember the power of plant-based foods! Leafy green vegetables are rich in vitamins and provide essential antioxidants that help combat free radical damage and promote collagen production.

Eating foods rich in collagen and vitamin C will supply your body with the building blocks (amino acids) it needs to produce collagen naturally. Remember, a balanced and varied diet is vital to optimal health.

Introduce Collagen Supplements to Your Diet

Eating a healthy diet rich in collagen-promoting foods is an excellent foundation. But, it may not be enough to combat collagen loss as we age. Adding high-quality liquid marine collagen supplements can be a game-changer.

But what is marine collagen? It’s a type of collagen sourced from sustainable fish skin and scales. It's particularly beneficial because it contains specific types of collagen (types I and III) readily absorbed by the body.

Hydrolysed collagen peptides are smaller and easier for your body to use than the larger collagen molecules in food sources. These tiny building blocks allow for faster absorption and increased bioavailability, maximising the benefits of collagen supplementation.

Liquid collagen vs. powder collagen: Which is better? One of the liquid collagen benefits is that it’s easy to use and ingest. Simply add it to your favourite beverage or consume it directly for a convenient and effective way to boost your daily collagen intake. Unlike the powder form, you must mix it up first and try to avoid making a mess.

Use a high-quality liquid collagen supplement alongside a balanced diet. You'll be providing your body with the building blocks necessary for boosting collagen production.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

When you're sleep-deprived, your body goes into overdrive, producing stress hormones like cortisol. Elevated cortisol levels harm collagen production, break down existing collagen, and hinder your body's ability to synthesise new collagen.

Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night to allow your body to repair and regenerate. During sleep, your body releases growth hormones, which play a crucial role in collagen synthesis. Prioritising quality sleep provides the best environment to boost collagen production.

Create a relaxing bedtime routine that signals your body that it's time to wind down. Avoid screens for at least an hour before bed, as the blue light they emit can disrupt your sleep cycle. Ensure your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet for optimal sleep.

By prioritising quality sleep, you'll give your body the necessary resources to combat collagen breakdown and stimulate collagen production.

Clean Up Your Lifestyle Habits

Smoking and excessive sun exposure are major culprits of collagen damage. Smoking depletes vitamin C and restricts blood circulation, hindering the delivery of vital nutrients to your skin cells.

rotecting your skin with sunscreen is crucial to prevent sun damage, a significant contributor to collagen breakdown. UVA rays, present even on cloudy days, penetrate deep into the skin layers, damaging collagen and accelerating the signs of ageing.

Limit your intake of refined carbohydrates and processed foods. These can trigger inflammation in the body, damaging collagen and contributing to premature skin ageing. Opt for a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to give your body the necessary nutrients.

Cleaning up your lifestyle habits and making these simple changes will create a more collagen-friendly environment for your skin.


These five strategies can effectively boost your body’s natural collagen production. If you're trying to find simple ways to jumpstart this nutrient in your body, grab Kollo Health's 10,000mg liquid marine collagen supplement. The high-quality, potent ingredients are easily absorbed into your system so that you can enjoy the effects of collagen faster!/p>

Remember, a holistic approach that combines healthy lifestyle habits with a readily available source of collagen peptides can help you achieve a youthful appearance and feel your best from the inside out.

Men, collagen isn’t just for women. Do you want stronger hair, healthier joints, and younger-looking skin? Explore our top 5 reasons why men should take a collagen supplement and discover why a collagen supplement can be your secret weapon.

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