
Bambini Baby Awards 2023: new mums love our collagen results

WM by William Milton
28 April 2023

We have more great news this month! Kollo Health’s premium marine collagen supplement has been recognised in the Bambini Baby Awards 2023. The lovely people at Bambini Baby tested our liquid collagen results for new mums and decided to award us in the following categories:

  • Best Must-Have For New Mums (GOLD)

  • Best Face Product For New Mum (SILVER)

  • Best Pre/Post Natal Supplements (SILVER)

  • Best Hair Growth Product (SILVER)

The quality and quantity of entries for the awards this year were very high. So we are delighted to have received this recognition from Bambini Baby. In this post, we’ll talk a little about what this means for us and why our marine collagen is great for the categories listed above.

Best Must-Have For New Mums (GOLD)

Our liquid collagen results can be fantastic for new mums. After giving birth, a woman’s body is likely to need some TLC. Being pregnant places a strain on the body and recovery is important. Here are some ways our collagen supplement can help:

  • Repairing skin and hair – hair loss, dry skin and stretch marks are very common after pregnancy. Boosting your collagen can help.

  • Restoring bone density – the vitamins needed to support pregnancy and lactation can result in short-term bone loss. Collagen peptides can help replenish your bones.

  • Promoting good sleep – new mum’s can struggle to get the sleep they need. Thanks to the abundance of glycine, taking our liquid collagen results in more restful sleep to make the most of what you do get!

  • Reducing aches and pains – when recovering from childbirth, joints can be stiff and painful. Boosting your collagen can help ease swelling and reduce discomfort.

  • Balancing hormones – the close link between oestrogen and collagen is well-documented. Collagen may help prevent weight gain relating to hormone fluctuations.

Product testing our collagen results in more recognition

Bambini Baby put our premium marine collagen supplement to the test as part of the awards process. We are thrilled that we came out on top as the top must-have for new mums. The wellness of our customers is paramount to our work and this recognition means the world to us.

Silver placement in other categories from our collagen results

The fact that our product received silver awards in three other categories is fantastic. It is a strong endorsement of the effectiveness of our product. And, if you look at the categories, it tells the story of why we were awarded the gold we got. Here is a rundown of the other categories we featured in.

Best Face Product For New Mum

Post-partum, women often find that their skin becomes dry. Hormone fluctuations can cause some early signs of ageing to appear as well, and acne breakouts often occur. Common measures to address this include applying moisturisers and trying to eat healthily. While great, these things may not address what’s at the heart of the problem.

Replenishing lost collagen for your skin can help regulate oils, restore hydration and reduce the appearance of fine lines. It does this from the inside out, with bioavailable nutrients that are primed to stimulate and fuel collagen production. These collagen results will have been evident in product testing.

Best Pre/Post Natal Supplements

Collagen supplements are generally safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding, though we do recommend consulting your doctor first. The benefits of replenishing and maintaining your collagen both pre- and post-partum are many. As your hormones are out of balance and nutrients are going towards feeding your baby, our collagen results in benefits for your:

  • Skin

  • Hair

  • Nails

  • Bones

  • Joints

  • Gut

  • Arteries

Best Hair Growth Product

Postnatal hair loss is a well-known phenomenon. This is because hair cycling becomes disturbed during pregnancy. This means the natural shedding that should have occurred during those 9 months doesn’t happen. Then, postpartum, it all starts happening at once.

Our collagen can help nourish the scalp and keep hair follicles in good health. This results in healthy regrowth of lost hair. Thus, your locks will be restored to their full splendour more quickly.

Want to experience our collagen results for yourself?

It is a privilege for us to get this kind of recognition for the quality of our product at Kollo Health. A great deal goes on behind the scenes. The great feedback from our customers is amazing and being awarded in this way feels really special. There are people from many walks of life that consider collagen supplements. New mums may not always be the first, but there are many benefits it offers.

We hope that these Bambini Baby Awards 2023 will inspire more new mums to consider collagen. Our goal is to help more people improve their wellness and live their best life. Our collagen results in so many improvements to health and beauty. We want this for you, so please feel free to explore our brand further! Contact us if you have any questions.

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