
L-lysine: What are the benefits?

NW by Natasha Whiting
14 December 2021

What are the benefits of L-lysine?

L-lysine is just one of many ingredients in our Kollo Health marine collagen supplements. As an amino acid, it's an important building block for the generation of protein and has a multitude of benefits for our bodies. Let's take a closer look at some of these benefits below.

Helps the healing of wounds

One benefit of L-lysine is that it can speed up the healing of wounds. Lysine is necessary for the formation of collagen, a protein that provides much-needed structure and support to our skin and bones. Specifically, lysine acts as a binding agent, helping to create new cells as well as stimulate the production of fresh blood cells. Studies that have been conducted on animals show that L-lysine also reduces the amount of recovery time needed after a wound has healed.

Can protect against cold sores

Another benefit of L-lysine in our premium Kollo Health marine collagen sachets is the fact that it can protect you against cold sores. Not only do these fluid-filled, red blisters cause pain and burning sensations, but they make many people feel self-conscious about their appearance too. L-lysine works by preventing the cause of cold sores, HSV-1, from spreading throughout our bodies. It also blocks other catalysts for cold sores, such as arginine, which HSV-1 needs in order to multiply.

Helps with calcium absorption

We all know the benefits of calcium on our bodies. It strengthens our teeth and bones and helps the heart, muscles and nerves to function properly. However, it's believed that L-lysine can help our bodies hold on to calcium, increasing its absorption in our gut and helping our kidneys hold on to the mineral too. Research also suggests it plays a part in deciding where calcium is transported around our bodies. For more information on the benefits of L-lysine and why you should be taking Kollo Health marine collagen supplements, contact us today and speak to a member of our team.

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