Clinical Studies


Welcome to our overview of the clinical studies relating to Kollo Health’s Meno Support supplement. We work hard to develop our products with one simple goal at the front of our minds: focusing on the science to ensure every ingredient is safe for your body and effective for your well-being.

Explore the existing clinical studies here and gain a deeper insight to make the right decisions for your body. This is about more than supplements; it’s about taking control of your mind and body to become unstoppable! The team at Kollo Health is so grateful that you are putting your faith in us – learn more about the science behind our menopause support supplement below.


For the Symptoms of Perimenopause

100 perimenopausal women took part in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Ashwagandha supplementation was associated with a significant reduction in the full range of perimenopause symptoms.

Over the 8 weeks of the trial, scientists obtained preliminary evidence that Ashwagandha root extract is safe and effective for alleviating climacteric symptoms in perimenopausal women. The theory is that this is a result of reduced psychological symptoms and an increase in serum estradiol levels.

For Stress and Anxiety

In a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of Ashwagandha root, a treatment group exhibited a significant reduction on scores in three stress-assessment scales. The study lasted for 60 days, and is published in the Indian journal of psychological medicine.

When the study ended, the serum cortisol levels were reduced in the study group and no serious adverse events were reported. The findings suggest that a high concentration of full-spectrum Ashwagandha root extract can improve an adult’s resistance to stress, thus improving quality of life.

Another study relating to stress in horses using Ashwagandha found that the ingredient has potent anti-stress, antioxidant and immune-stimulant properties. There were no adverse reactions among the horses, and the equine study support similar findings in human studies. Similar results were observed in another study involving domestic dogs.

For Memory and Cognition

After an 8-week study published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements, an Ashwagandha treatment group exhibited significant improvements in immediate and general memory. This was tested by Wechsler Memory Scale III subtest. The treatment group also showed significant improvement in executive function, sustained attention and information-processing speed. Standardised tests were used for all these findings.

The conclusion drawn is that Ashwagandha might help improve immediate and general memory whilst improving executive function, attention spans and information processing.

For Sleep

A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled study led to a significantly shorter sleep onset latency for the test group than the placebo one after 10 weeks. Also, the group taking the Ashwagandha supplement showed significant improvement in sleep efficiency scores within the same timeframe. And there was a noticeable improvement in sleep quality and other parameters.

From this study, scientists were able to conclude that Ashwagandha has sleep-inducing potential, improving both sleep onset latency and sleep quality at a dose of 300 mg. This could be a huge help to women in menopause and perimenopause, for whom issues like insomnia and anxiety are very common.

In another 8-week study, there were different observations made for healthy and insomnia subjects. The improvements were more significant for those who suffered from insomnia, showing that Ashwagandha may be useful in managing sleep quality for people who suffer from insomnia.

And a further study into the adaptogenic and anxiolytic effects of Ashwagandha root found that 8 weeks of supplementation was associated with a reduction in stress levels and improvements in overall quality of life. This included improvements in sleep, as well as a reduction in anxiety.

For Anti-Ageing

Testing on microscopic lifeforms called Caenorhabditis elegans yielded some unexpected results. There was no effect on the wild type worms, but ones that had been mutated with human neurotransmitters showed an extended lifespan of around 20% when treated with Ashwagandha root extract.

Whilst further testing is needed, this lays the foundations for potential longevity benefits for humans.

General Health

A prospective, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study found statistically significant improvement in general health for senior citizens in the test group taking Ashwagandha supplements. The areas of improvement included sleep quality and mental alertness, as well as general wellbeing.

The observations indicate the potential of Ashwagandha root for improving the quality of life of elderly participants. This is significant for women in menopause and anyone else suffering from diminished well-being in advanced age.

A similar study in healthy volunteers evaluated vital signs like bodyweight, body temperature, pulse rate and more throughout an 8-week period using Ashwagandha. At the end, the study concluded that Ashwagandha may yield benefits for overall well-being, but primarily it found that there were no adverse effects. A further large-scale study would be needed to confirm this beyond doubt, but the signs suggest the ingredient is entirely safe for consumption.

For Telomerase Activity

There is a growing body of evidence that the enzyme telomerase may play a key role in the onset of perimenopause and its symptoms. In testing, it has been observed that Ashwagandha root extract may increase telomerase activity through TRAP assay, which is another exciting possible benefit of using it in supplements.

Essentially, Ashwagandha has the potential to induce anti-ageing and even mitigate perimenopause symptoms by helping to regulate this fundamental enzyme.

For Sexual Wellness in Women

Here we draw from a prospective, randomised, placebo-controlled study in which a test group of healthy women was given Ashwagandha for a period of 8 weeks. Improvements were observed in sexual desire, arousal, lubrication, pain, orgasm and overall satisfaction. There were noted differences between the test group and the placebo one, suggesting the positive impact of the Ashwagandha.

The conclusion was that oral administration of Ashwagandha root extract may improve sexual health in otherwise healthy women aged 18 to 50. This relates primarily to healthy women with no hormonal disturbances.

A further pilot study conducted in 2015 found similar results relating to the same metrics of female sexual health in healthy women.

For Thyroid Function

The efficacy and safety of Ashwagandha root extract for subclinical hypothyroid patients was explored in a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial. After 8 weeks of treatment found that thyroid indices were closer to normal with Ashwagandha supplementation.

The conclusion was drawn that the herbal ingredient may offer benefits for normalising thyroid function for people who suffer from symptoms of an underactive thyroid.

For Cardiorespiratory Endurance and Recovery

A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial was undertaken to explore the effect of Ashwagandha root extra in improving cardiorespiratory endurance and recovery. It involved healthy, athletic adults, and observed a statistical improvement in VO2 max over the course of the study, among other things.

The full set of findings suggests that Ashwagandha may successfully enhance cardiorespiratory endurance to improve overall athletic performance and quality of life in healthy adults.

For Weight Management

A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial was conducted into perceived stress among test subjects. In addition to finding that the participants’ stress levels decreased, it also found that their stress-induced food cravings decreased as well. In other words, ‘emotional eating behaviour’ was better controlled, which led to benefits for participants’ bodyweight.

The study’s conclusion suggests that Ashwagandha root may be helpful for reducing bodyweight in people who suffer from chronic stress causing them to overeat.

For Testosterone, Muscle Strength and Recovery

A randomised, controlled trial compared a treatment group with a placebo group relating to Ashwagandha supplementation. Significantly greater increases in muscle strength were observed amongst the test group for the bench-press exercise, leg extension exercise, and measurements of muscle size in the arms and chest. Interestingly, the test group also had a significantly lower instance of exercise-induced muscle damage.

The conclusion is that Ashwagandha supplementation may help experience greater gains in strength and muscle mass in conjunction with a resistance training program.

For Male Sexual Function

Males with low sperm counts participated in a pilot study into the use of Ashwagandha root extract. Over the course of the study, there was a 167% increase in sperm count and 53% increase in semen volume after 90 days. There was a significantly greater improvement in the test group as opposed to the placebo group.

The indication is that Ashwagandha treatment may offer therapeutic value for men suffering from low sperm counts.

A further randomised controlled trial, conducted in 2022, found evidence of an aphrodisiac effect of Ashwagandha supplementation for men. It is believed this could be due to the ingredient’s role in boosting serum testosterone, suggesting it may be useful in enhancing male sexual function.