
How does Kollo stimulate collagen production?

NW by Natasha Whiting
06 December 2022

How does Kollo stimulate collagen production?

Kollo is a leading collagen supplement. It uses premium-grade marine collagen peptides to stimulate collagen production. Boosting the levels of this important structural protein in your body can improve the health and appearance of your skin, hair and nails. It can also bring about improvements in joint comfort, bone mass and various other areas of the body. For this reason, collagen supplements have become an important trend in both the beauty and wellness industries. Kollo is emerging as a popular choice for discerning buyers. But how does Kollo stimulate collagen production and what makes it stand out from the crowd?

Take a deep dive with us.

The role of collagen in our bodies

Collagen is a protein that is almost everywhere in our bodies. It provides a firm yet supple structure to our connective tissues, performing a glue-like role to keep those tissues in check. It also facilitates good hydration for those tissues as it holds moisture that feeds the cells. In a nutshell, it is vital for the optimal functioning of many areas of the body, including:

  • Skin

  • Bones

  • Cartilage, tendons and ligaments

  • The Gut

  • Arterial system

  • Teeth

Our bodies produce collagen from nutrients and, when we are young, we do it very efficiently. There are things in our bodies, and our lifestyles, that destroy collagen in the body. But we have the mechanisms to replace lost collagen and maintain good health in our connective tissues.

The dreaded collagen decline

Unfortunately, as we get older, collagen levels decrease at a faster rate and our ability to replace that lost collagen diminishes. This actually starts sooner than you might think – we begin losing our overall collagen levels as early as our twenties. The problem gets worse with age and, by the time we reach midlife, we begin to start showing the early signs of ageing.

These include:

  • Sagging skin

  • The development of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Pain and swelling in our joints

  • Thinning hair and nails

  • Loss of bone density

Essentially, there are several undesirable physical things about ‘getting older’. And they happen largely because of shrinking collagen levels. They can lead to discomfort and loss of confidence. They can even develop into health conditions like osteoarthritis or osteoporosis.

The problem gets worse with certain behaviours. Things like excessive sunlight exposure, poor diet, smoking and high levels of stress can all damage our collagen and cause us to age faster.

So how does Kollo stimulate collagen production to counter this?

The good news is that we don’t have to accept these early signs of ageing in our bodies. They will catch up to us eventually, but you can delay it by helping your body to produce more collagen. Supplements like Kollo are the answer as they help to stimulate collagen production in greater quantities. This means you are able to replenish those diminishing collagen levels more effectively.

The key to this is the collagen peptides in Kollo. As a marine collagen supplement, that all-important protein originates from the skin and scales of fish. In its pure form, we call this ‘undenatured’ collagen. In essence, the complete collagen molecules possess their original structure. This takes the form of a triple helix of amino acid chains wrapped around one another for a very high molecular weight.

The problem with this is that our bodies need those amino acids to stimulate collagen production. But in this complex structure, it can be difficult to break down the molecule and access the underlying nutrients.

We solve this problem with a process called hydrolysis. Using a combination of water and certain enzymes, we break the undenatured collagen down into separate amino acid chains. These have a far smaller molecular weight. The resulting collagen peptides, or hydrolysed collagen, are extremely bioavailable. This means it is easy for your body to digest them and absorb the nutrients within. These are so important for stimulating and maintaining the production of new, endogenous collagen.

What do our bodies need most from collagen?

For collagen production, there are several key amino acids in collagen peptides. They are glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. You can get these amino acids from other foods, but not in the abundance that they are available in a collagen supplement. They are the fuel and the building blocks of collagen production in the body. Thus, it is important that they are bioavailable and have high levels of purity and integrity.

We designed Kollo to maximise the effectiveness of its collagen peptides. For a start, the key active ingredient originates from fish. Research has indicated that fish collagen is the most bioavailable animal collagen you can get. Its molecular structure is also very similar to that of humans. Moreover, it consists of type I collagen, which is the most abundant form of collagen in the human body. This all adds up to nutrients that are ideal for our bodies to work with.

How else does Kollo benefit collagen uptake? 

  • We use Naticol collagen, which is sustainable and developed to maintain the purity and integrity of the product. The supply chain is very transparent so you can see how they emphasise quality at every stage.

  • We suspend the collagen peptides in a liquid formula so your body doesn’t have to break down any solids to access the nutrients. Essentially, it is ‘pre-digested’, so collagen production starts fast.

  • The daily dosage is 10 grams, which the current research has indicated is enough to deliver the full range of benefits you can get from collagen. Visit the ‘Studies’ section of our website to learn more.

So, with Kollo, you get the most high-quality collagen peptides available in a high daily dosage. It is the most bioavailable form of hydrolysed collagen. What's more, it is further enhanced by the liquid suspension so your body can absorb the amino acids fast and efficiently.

How else does Kollo stimulate collagen production?

Collagen production in the body is about more than just supplying the amino acids that provide the fuel. The mechanisms in the body that produce collagen also need nutrients to keep them active and efficient. When developing Kollo, we looked at the most important nutrients to boost the efficacy of collagen stimulation. Subsequently, we decided to add the following nutrients to our liquid formula:

  • Vitamins B1, B5, B6 and B12 and Vitamin C

  • L-lysine

These nutrients add more punch to the effectiveness of our serum so you will experience the maximum benefit for your collagen levels. If you head over to the ‘Reviews’ section of our website, you will be able to read the stories of thousands of verified buyers. These people have lots to share about their Kollo journeys.

It’s a fantastic confirmation of the effectiveness of Kollo for a wide range of benefits in people’s bodies. It is also something we as a team are immensely proud of.

With Kollo, we aimed to make people’s lives better. So nothing is more satisfying to us than seeing people sharing their positive experiences of using our supplement.

How to make the most of Kollo

To maximise the benefits you get from Kollo, we advise taking our supplement every single day. It’s a long-term habit that you need to develop. It can take a few weeks to experience the benefits for your skin and 6-12 months for the benefits to your bones to materialise. For these benefits to remain, you need to continue taking Kollo long-term.

You can further enhance the effects by making a few changes to your lifestyle. First, you want to reduce the rate at which collagen is being damaged in your body.

  • Limit sunlight exposure and wear sunscreen when out and about.

  • Cut down on your consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates.

  • Quit smoking.

  • Reduce your alcohol consumption.

  • Try to lower your stress levels and get plenty of high-quality sleep

These changes will slow the rate at which collagen levels in your body deplete. You can then take action to strengthen your collagen and further enhance the rate of producing new collagen in your body:

  • Do weight-breaking exercise regularly.

  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet to get the full range of nutrients into your body

Kollo: the powerful tool to stimulate collagen production

If you need further evidence of the power of Kollo, look at what we have achieved in a few short years. We are so proud to have won many awards from various sources and appeared on the likes of Women’s Running magazine and ITV This Morning. Our product has received over 2,000 5-star reviews from verified buyers. We also earned 'Informed Sport' certification and Amazon selected us as an ‘Amazon’s Choice’ product. 

We aim for maximum transparency, so we invite you to learn more about Kollo by exploring our website. You will find detailed information about the product. This includes links to scientific studies, unedited customer reviews and an informative blog. If you still have questions, you can get in touch and our team will endeavour to answer them to your satisfaction.

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