
How to Enjoy Running

NW by Natasha Whiting
04 February 2021

How to enjoy running

Running is the perfect exercise: it’s free, requires zero equipment and is certain to get the endorphins flowing. But for some, it can feel like the ultimate chore, so lets find out how to enjoy running. We’ve put together our top tips to help you get the most enjoyment out of your run.

Warm up

You’ve built up the motivation and your ready to hit the pavement but wait! Before you begin, set aside 3-5 minutes to get your body warmed up. Choose dynamic stretches and exercises to activate those muscles you rely on most when running. Our favourites are glute bridges, bird-dogs and calf raises.

It sounds simple, but just a few short minutes warming up will stop you feeling every step of your first mile and make the whole run much more enjoyable.

Change your route

Running’s great for our overall health, but it also allows us to discover new places. If you’re running the same route every day, it’s likely to become a little boring. Switch it up every now and again, it will stop you focusing on your time per mile and help you appreciate the little details in our area we often miss. You will be amazed at the sights you spot along the way.

Join a running community

Whilst running is great for a bit of “me time”, hitting the trails with friends will add a whole new level of fun. Why not sign up to your local running club? It may seem daunting, but it’s the perfect place to meet like-minded individuals and make lots of new friends. Don’t worry, all abilities will be catered for and contrary to popular belief, not everyone is there to compete in races!

Build your own playlist

Whether you’re in to dance music or classic rock, comedy podcasts or audiobooks, adding a soundtrack to your run will make it much more fun. If you’re struggling for motivation, use a digital music service, such as Spotify to build a playlist of your favourite songs from your teenage years? You’ll spend your entire run smiling and reminiscing on old teenage memories.

Take a collagen supplement 

Running with aches and pains isn’t our idea of fun. Much like a good warmup, taking a marine collagen supplement can help in preventing injuries developing. Kollo is one of the best collagen supplements on the market and has clinically proven results. It could help protect your joints and bones whilst providing you with amino acids and vitamins too. It’s the perfect addition to any runner’s routine!

Visit Kollo for more information on our Premium Liquid Marine Collagen 


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