
How To Use Collagen in Your Anti-Ageing Skincare Routine

NW by Natasha Whiting
08 April 2024


Have you ever wished you could turn back the clock on your skin? If so, you're not alone. As we age, our skin naturally loses its youthful glow and elasticity. Wrinkles creep in, that dewy bounce fades, and a dullness settles in. But don't despair! There are powerful tools you can wield in the battle against ageing.

Want to know a secret? Collagen, the protein that keeps your skin plump and bouncy, is the key to younger-looking skin. This blog will show you how to fight wrinkles and get your skin smooth and glowing. We'll discuss skincare routines and a powerful collagen supplement: Kollo Health's marine collagen 10000mg. Get ready to take charge of your skin and look your best.

Why You Should Add Collagen into Your Skincare Routine

Collagen is a protein that is a significant part of your skin's structure. It provides plumpness, elasticity, and strength. As we age, our body's natural collagen production slows down, leading to the visible signs of ageing we all dread — wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin.

Taking a daily dose of high-quality collagen peptides, like Kollo Health's liquid collagen supplement, can help support your body's natural production of collagen.

Signs of Ageing Skin

As we age, our skin undergoes a fascinating transformation. While these changes are a natural part of life, understanding them can empower you to create a better skincare routine that addresses your concerns. But how do you know it's time to use a multivitamin with collagen? Here are some of the most common signs.


As we age, we can lose our youthful appearance. The culprit? Collagen, a protein that keeps skin firm, starts to decline. This decrease weakens the skin's structure, causing it to stretch and sag. You may notice this specifically in the jawline and cheeks. This sagging can leave us feeling self-conscious about our appearance.


Sun exposure is a double-edged sword. While it gives us a healthy glow, it can disrupt melanin production over time. This disruption leads to the appearance of age spots, those flat, brown patches that mar an otherwise even complexion. Sun damage also contributes to uneven skin tone, making it more challenging to achieve a radiant look.

Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Those tiny lines crinkling around your eyes when you smile? They result from the breakdown of collagen and elastin, another protein crucial for structure. The skin becomes more susceptible to creasing as these essential building blocks diminish.

You may notice it in areas with a lot of movement, like the forehead, eyes, and mouth. These wrinkles and fine lines are a telltale sign of ageing skin.


Younger skin has a natural glow, a testament to a healthy cell turnover rate. But as we age, this process slows down. Dead cells accumulate on the surface, like dust on a window, making the skin appear dull and lacking in vibrancy. This loss of radiance can make you look older than you feel.


Our skin produces oils naturally to keep it hydrated and supple. However, with age, oil production dips. This decrease in oil leads to dryness, flakiness, and even itchiness.

Not to add insult to injury, but the skin's protective barrier also weakens. This weakening makes it more sensitive to environmental irritants and prone to skin conditions like eczema. This increased sensitivity can make finding skincare products that feel comfortable challenging.

How Skincare Can Slow Signs of Ageing

A consistent skincare routine is vital to combating the signs of ageing. It's like giving your skin a daily dose of TLC (tender loving care) to help it function at its best. Here's how a well-rounded routine can help.

Regular cleansing and exfoliation sweep away dead cells that can dull your complexion. This process encourages the production of fresh, new cells. New cells will reveal a brighter and more radiant appearance.

A healthy barrier is essential for keeping skin moisture in and irritants out. A proper skincare routine helps strengthen this barrier by providing vital nutrients and skin hydration. Once this happens, you'll notice less dryness, irritation, and the appearance of wrinkles.

Certain skincare ingredients have been shown to stimulate collagen production. It provides improved skin elasticity and reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

The Best Anti-Ageing Skincare Routine

Creating a winning anti-ageing skincare routine is like building a fortress against the visible signs of time. Each step serves a specific purpose, working together to maintain healthy, youthful-looking skin.

Start With a Gentle Cleanser

The first line of defence is a gentle cleanser used twice daily. Cleansers remove dirt, oil, and makeup without stripping away the skin's natural moisture barrier. Think of it as clearing the ground for the next steps in your skincare regimen.

A harsh cleanser can disrupt the skin's delicate pH balance, leaving it feeling dry and irritated. Choose a cleanser formulated for your specific skin type, whether it's dry, oily, or combination.

Apply a Toner

Following cleansing, a toner can be helpful for some skin types. Toners help balance the skin's pH level, which can be disrupted by cleansers or environmental factors. This balanced pH creates an optimal environment for healthy cell turnover and can even reduce the appearance of pores.

However, toners aren't essential for everyone. If you have dry or sensitive skin, skipping toner might be best. Choose an alcohol-free toner formulated for your specific skin type to avoid irritation.

Lock in The Moisture

Next comes the crucial step of locking in moisture. A good moisturiser is essential for keeping skin plump and hydrated. The best practice is to use lotion both morning and night.

Look for ingredients that will also aid your skin. For example, hyaluronic acid is a humectant, a substance that attracts and retains moisture in the skin, leaving it feeling supple and smooth. Ceramides also help strengthen the skin's barrier. Antioxidants fight free radical damage that can contribute to wrinkles.

Don’t Forget the SPF

Sunscreen is an absolute non-negotiable in any anti-ageing routine. Sun exposure is a major culprit behind premature ageing. The sun can speed up the breakdown of collagen and elastin.

A broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher should be worn daily, even on cloudy days, to shield you from damaging UV rays. Look for a lightweight, oil-free formula that won't clog your pores.

Introduce Collagen Supplements

Finally, consider adding a high-quality collagen supplement like Kollo Health's liquid collagen. Oral supplementation may improve skin elasticity and hydration, reducing wrinkles and promote a more youthful appearance.

Combined with a well-rounded skincare routine, collagen supplements can act as an extra defence against ageing. Remember, consistency is key! Aim to use your skincare products daily and give your new routine a few weeks to see noticeable results.


Ageing is inevitable, but that doesn't mean you can't defy the signs of time. By combining a good skincare routine with a high-quality liquid collagen supplement, you can fight back against wrinkles, improve skin elasticity, and achieve a youthful glow.

Unlock the collagen liquid benefits with Kollo Health and experience a renewed radiance!

What are you waiting for? Visit Kollo Health to learn more about marine collagen and how it will help you today.

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