
Is marine collagen good for psoriasis?

NW by Natasha Whiting
31 January 2022

Is marine collagen good for psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a frustrating skin condition that can cause flaky skin and scale-like patches to develop. As many as 3% of the world’s population currently suffers from psoriasis, making it one of the most common autoimmune conditions. Although psoriasis flareups can spring up anywhere on the body, they tend to appear on the elbows, knees, lower back, scalp, and face. Treating psoriasis can be tricky, as there is currently no cure. Although there are plenty of ointments and creams available to mitigate the effects of the condition, these treatments don’t work for everyone. What’s more, some synthetic treatments may not be well-tolerated by sensitive skin. So, if you’re on the hunt for alternative treatments that are gentle on the skin, where should you turn? The answer could lie in marine collagen supplements.

What is marine collagen?

Marine collagen is a natural substance extracted from the skin of fish. Collagen is a protein that can be found all over the body, including muscles, bones, skin, organs, ligaments, blood vessels, and more. As you age, your body becomes less able to produce collagen, leading to issues such as weak muscles, gut issues, wrinkles, and tight ligaments. Marine collagen can help to restore lost collagen. Many anti-ageing creams contain collagen from pig or cow skin, but an increasing number of people are turning to marine collagen as a more effective and sustainable alternative.

Why is marine collagen good for psoriasis?

People with psoriasis could benefit from collagen in the following ways:

1. Scalp protection

Collagen could help to boost the thickness and vitality of your hair and scalp. Why? Collagen helps deliver nutrients through hair follicles, thereby reducing the symptoms of psoriasis on your head.

2. Reduce inflammation

Psoriasis is characterised by inflammation. Marine collagen could help to reduce this problem as it is rich in protective amino acid proteins.

3. Soothe the gut lining

If your psoriasis is thought to be food-related, collagen could help to heal your gut lining and reduce the severity of your skin problems.

Invest in Kollo Health supplements today!

If you’re on the hunt for premium marine collagen supplements, visit the website today! Our products are packed with power and supported by clinical study data

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