
Jenni Falconer's Top Tips for Running Success

OC by Olivia Coleman
22 April 2024

Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to reignite your passion for running, there's no denying that starting—or restarting—can be a challenge. But fear not, because Jenni Falconer, co-founder of Kollo Health and avid runner, is here to share her top tips to help you not only get started, but also stay motivated along the way.

Set a Goal

When I started running, I wanted to run round the Botanic Gardens in Glasgow without stopping. It took me a while, but I made it, and felt a huge sense of pride when I did. Have a specific goal in mind - whether its completing a parkrun on a Saturday, signing up for a race, or challenging yourself to a run around your local area. A goal gives you something to strive for, provides motivation and a sense of accomplishment when you achieve it.

Schedule your Runs

By blocking out time in your schedule, you're more likely to prioritise your fitness and stick to your plan. Every Sunday, I look at my diary for the week ahead and pop in 'running' like it's a meeting or an appointment. This helps me stick to it and arrange my day around my fitness. If you are just starting out, perhaps aim for 3 x 30 minute sessions throughout the week. I prefer mornings but it all depends on where you have space and what works best for you.

No Excuses

Excuses are easy to come by, whether its "too cold" or "I can't be bothered", the sense of pride and accomplishment you feel after completing a run or exercise far outweighs any lack of motivation feelings. It's only 30 minutes, you'll be back on the sofa before you know it, and you'll be feeling great because you have done that run. Push past those excuses!

Lay our your kit

One of my favourite tricks for staying consistent with my runs is to lay out my gear the night before. So in the morning all you have to do is get out of bed and put it on, or when you get home from work, it's there waiting for you. Knowing everything is ready and waiting for me makes it that much easier to stick to your routine.

Find your Support System

Running with friends or joining a supportive community can make all the difference. Get a WhatsApp group of friends who have similar goals, support each other and hold each other accountable. Knowing that others are counting on you can provide that boost of motivation to stick to your goals. 

Fuel your Run with Music or a Podcast 

Whether you prefer an upbeat playlist or an inspiring podcast, find something that motivates you during your run. My podcast RunPod, was created to keep you company while you are out there running. Each guest shares the feel-good of running and reminds you why you should keep going.

Capture the Moment

After every run, I take a selfie to capture that post-run buzz. Then next time you are struggling to find the energy or motivation, just look at that photo and remember how good you felt. It will inspire you to get up and get out again. You might not always look your best at the end of a run, (I can look a bit red and sweaty) but you will feel amazing and that is what it is all about.

Confidence is Key

The minute you get out there and start jogging, you are a runner. Every step you take, no matter how small, is progress. Everyone has to start somewhere and you can run, it's just a case of finding your rhythm. And remember, the first 10 minutes are always the hardest!



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