
New Research Underlines Importance of Collagen For Menopause and Joint Health

WM by William Milton
06 April 2023

There is new research that takes a deep dive into the impact the menopause has on the health of joints. There are many potential symptoms of menopause caused by the shifting hormonal balance. Joint pain and inflammation are among the lesser-known symptoms, but they can cause great discomfort and make a woman feel like she has aged rapidly. We can take collagen for menopause and joint health, as the new research suggests. Read on to learn more about what Kollo Health’s premium liquid collagen supplements could do for your joint health during menopause.

Why does menopause affect joint health?

Oestrogen is the main hormone that is affected by menopause. It fluctuates and gradually decreases throughout perimenopause. It is very important for many aspects of a woman’s health, and one of them is maintaining bone density and reducing inflammation in cartilage, tendons and ligaments. The research suggests that perimenopause be viewed as a pro inflammatory phase of a woman’s life. Chronic joint inflammation can cause great discomfort and reduce mobility, which have broader consequences for overall health and wellbeing.

The science behind this is that oestrogen supports osteoblast activity. As oestrogen levels drop, this reduces the production of new bone, which is why osteoporosis is a risk during peri/menopause. Oestrogen is also an anti-inflammatory steroid hormone, so its declining levels naturally leads to more inflammation throughout the body.

Collagen for menopause may improve joint health

Beyond this, oestrogen leads to a reduction in collagen – menopause can result in a collagen decrease of as much as 30%. While collagen is great for skin health, it is extremely important for cartilage and other joint tissues. Declining collagen levels can contribute to osteoarthritis and other chronic joint pain. The research suggests that a premium collagen supplement can help bridge the gap that menopause can create.

Thus, it is prudent to focus on collagen for menopause and joint health.

Why we need collagen for menopause and joint health to reduce inflammation

Chronic inflammation causes pain in the joints and declining oestrogen levels can cause it. The hormone fluctuations that occur during menopause can be exacerbated if combined with:

  • Processed foods

  • Too much omega 6 oils

  • Alcohol

  • Gluten

  • Caffeine

Throw in factors like pollution, sun damage and smoking and you have the perfect recipe for chronic inflammation. Many of these things are factors in the lives of menopausal women, so joint pain becomes an extremely common problem.

Why is inflammation so closely linked to joint health?

Inflammation in the body is a mechanism to alert us to something wrong. You have probably sprained an ankle in your time, and the pain and swelling remind you to rest it so that it can heal. But this inflammation and pain can be brought on during menopause by declining oestrogen levels, resulting in pain and stiffness that can be quite debilitating.

Things to try in addition to collagen for joint health during menopause

Kollo Health’s premium marine collagen supplement can help with this. But we are committed to helping you enjoy wellbeing and good health throughout your life. As such, we advocate for a healthy lifestyle in all aspects of your life. One thing that we know is helpful with inflammation is omega-3 foods. These include oily fish like:

  • Sardines

  • Salmon

  • Mackerel

  • Trout

If you are vegetarian or vegan, you can try getting your omega-3 from sources like:

  • Linseeds/flaxseeds

  • Hemp oil

  • Walnuts

Supplements are another good option, with vegan ones made from algae known to be a very trustworthy source.

Does the research recommend collagen for menopause and joint health?

As a result of this new research into the issues with menopause and joint health, there are various suggestions put forward. Specialist Menopause Nutritionist Karen Newby has shared some key nutrients that can help keep joint pain and inflammation to a minimum. The list looks like this:

Collagen-rich foods

Kollo Health’s premium marine collagen supplement supplies you with 10,000mg per day of potent collagen fuel. It is collagen peptides from the skin and scales of aquaculture-farmed fish. This collagen is optimised for your body to absorb the nutrients to stimulate and fuel collagen production in your body. And it is fortified with B vitamins, vitamin C and l-lysine to help boost its effectiveness.

The main fuel for collagen production is amino acids, and our supplement is rich in the most important ones:

  • Glycine

  • Proline

  • Hydroxyproline

  • Arganine

We urge you to further supplement this with your diet. Foods rich in protein, and particularly these amino acids, include:

  • Chicken

  • Fish skin

  • Bone broth

  • Tofu

  • Nuts

  • Seeds

  • Alfalfa sprouts

  • Asparagus

  • Beans

  • Cucumber

  • Tempeh

Supplements alone will not have the transformative effect you are hoping for. They are the foundation of a pro-collagen lifestyle. It is down to you to make other changes, and this starts with your diet.

Vitamin C

Another important factor of boosting collagen for menopause and joint health is to increase your vitamin C intake. This is an essential vitamin for collagen synthesis. Kollo Health’s premium collagen supplement provides 100% of your RDA of vitamin C. But you can get more from citrus fruits, parsley and peppers, among other things.

Smoothies can be a good source but be aware of your sugar intake.

Vitamin D

This vitamin is great for many things. In the context of joint inflammation, it supports calcium absorption and helps with bone mineral density. A high-quality supplement is a good source of vitamin D, and we can get it from sunlight as well.

However, be aware that too much sunlight exposure can harm the collagen in your skin. Thus, you should always wear sunscreen when you go outside.


Just like vitamins, there are various minerals that help with collagen synthesis. Zinc, copper, magnesium, boron and manganese are all important. You should also aim to get plenty of antioxidants from your diet because they help wipe out free radicals. The damage from free radicals can have many harmful effects in our bodies, including the breakdown of cartilage.

How exercise supports collagen for menopause and joint health

The other key part of maintaining a pro-collagen lifestyle is exercise. This is particularly important for the collagen in your joints. When you lift weights or practice calisthenics (bodyweight resistance training) you strengthen your:

  • Bones

  • Muscles

  • Tendons

  • Ligaments

Strengthening these tissues helps renew the fibres that they are composed of. When we do this, their structure improves and fresh, new collagen can be implemented to help with elasticity and firmness.

Whatever form your exercise takes, it is extremely beneficial for joint health. In fact, it plays a huge role in your overall health and wellbeing. So if you want to live your best life in menopause and beyond, you need to make time for being active. Take opportunities to move, even if you don’t really feel like doing it.

Kollo Health: the foundation of collagen for joints

Kollo Health’s premium marine collagen supplement should be at the root of your collagen-boosting efforts in peri/menopause. With 10,000mg of premium-grade marine collagen peptides in each daily sachet, no collagen drink contains a higher dose. Those collagen peptides are extremely pure and sustainable, and their high bioavailability means your body will absorb them in very high quantities.

This amounts to a consistent and potent supply of collagen fuel every single day. Your body will remain in collagen-producing mode with this constant supply. As you go about your days, your body will be replenishing its collagen levels to help with the structural integrity of the tissues in your joints. As a result, you will experience less joint inflammation and a reduction in pain and discomfort.

But there are more fantastic results to experience from replenishing your collagen supply. These include:

  • Healthier skin, hair and nails

  • A reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin

  • Improved cognitive function and mood

  • Greater comfort in the gut

  • Better health and elasticity in the walls of the arteries

In other words, Kollo Health’s marine collagen supplement can help you look and feel younger. Combine it with other elements of a pro-collagen lifestyle and you could truly free yourself from the shackles of peri/menopause. It could help you feel more like yourself. Take back your freedom to live the way you want to and unlock your full potential!

Learn more about collagen for menopause and joint health

If you want to do some further reading into the importance of collagen for menopause, visit our blog. There is a wealth of information in there. You will also find more information throughout our website.

Discover Kollo Health’s premium liquid collagen supplement in the shop. You could try a one-off purchase to get a 2-week supply and try it for yourself. If you like it, you could save money with a subscription plan. Collagen supplements work in the long-term but you can start to see results in as little as 4-6 weeks. It is risk-free, though consult your doctor if you suffer from allergies or take any medications.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

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