
Why collagen protein is important for sport

OC by Olivia Coleman
10 January 2023

Why collagen protein is important for sport

Collagen protein is an important component of our joints, bones and muscles. Physical activity depends on these parts of our anatomy, and many sports involve the most demanding physical activity. If you are a serious competitor, professional or otherwise, you want to get the most out of your body. This means doing everything you can to improve your strength, power, speed, manoeuvrability and more.

Protecting and maintaining your collagen levels can yield fantastic benefits for sport. In this post, we will look at the particular advantages they may be of interest.

What is the role of collagen protein in our bodies?

Most people talk about the importance of collagen in our skin. It can help us look younger and more vibrant by reducing the appearance of wrinkles and tightening the skin. But collagen is present in much more of our anatomy - it is a key component of most connective tissues. Its role in these areas is to provide structure to the cells and add a firmness and suppleness that keeps things functioning healthily.

What does collagen do in our muscles?

The connective tissues in our muscle fibres are tightly wound to give them strength, density and support. The tissue that these fibres intertwine with is rich in collagen. Its role is to link muscle tissues, anchoring them and thus allowing movement through various mechanical distortions.

If collagen in muscle is low, there is a deterioration and weakening of the muscles. This will gradually reduce its ability to carry out essential functions, let alone advanced ones. There have also been links established between low muscle collagen and fibromyalgia. This is a condition characterised by chronic pain throughout the body.

Overall, low collagen in the muscles can lead to weakness, loss of muscle mass and an increased risk of chronic pain.

What does collagen do in our joints?

Collagen is fundamental to joint health because it is a key component of our ligaments, cartilage and tendons. These are the scaffolds, cushions and pulleys that enable smooth, painless movement of our joints. Excessive wear and tear can reduce the integrity of these tissues, leading to inflammation and pain. This is particularly common for people who play sports, as they put a lot of strain on the joints.

Collagen helps provide the all-important padding and elasticity of these tissues. These are characteristics that make them more resilient with greater tensile strength. Thus, reduced collagen levels can cause tendons and ligaments to be more brittle and swollen. It can also make cartilage less durable, so it may wear away quicker. This leads to pain and stiffness in the joints and also increases the risk of osteoarthritis.

The role of collagen in the joints is to keep those tissues that facilitate mechanical movement in good health.

What does collagen do in our bones?

A huge percentage of bone tissue is actually collagen. Collagen protein gives bones tensile strength and rigidity with a degree of suppleness. It also fills out their density, keeping them thick, full and resistant to fractures.

As we age, and particularly as our hormonal balance shifts through midlife, collagen levels decrease. This is a particular risk for bone because it can cause bone density to drop. This is why older people tend to be more prone to fractures. It can even lead to osteoporosis, wherein the bones become porous and brittle.

Without collagen, our bones are weak and vulnerable to chronic conditions that can cause pain and reduce mobility.

What causes the drop in collagen protein?

All of us are subject to a decline in collagen. It is what causes many of the early signs of ageing. Our advancing age is one of the biggest causes of the decline, and it can start as early as our mid-twenties. But there are other factors that are more within our control:

  • Smoking

  • Failure to provide enough pro-collagen nutrients for our bodies

  • Consuming too much sugar and refined carbohydrates

  • Not getting enough sleep

  • Too much stress

  • Excessive wear and tear on joints and bones

  • Not exercising muscles enough

It is very easy to allow your lifestyle to become damaging to your collagen. The strains of modern life can make us feel like we have little time and energy to take care of our health. But if you value your youthful looks, want to be in good health for a long life, or wish to perform well in sport, you need to protect your collagen protein.

What is the simplest step for a pro-collagen lifestyle?

While the best results will come from holistic changes to your lifestyle, there is one simple change you can make. Introduce a collagen protein supplement to your daily routine. These supplements are abundant in the specific nutrients your body needs to produce new collagen.

Amino acids are the building blocks of any protein. Collagen synthesis relies mainly on glycine, proline and hydroxyproline - these are the building blocks. You can get these amino acids from your diet, but there is a huge benefit to getting them from collagen supplements:

  • They provide a potent dose that is abundant in those key amino acids.

  • You get the same amount every day, providing a constant supply of fuel to your collagen production.

As long as the collagen supplement you choose is high-quality, it can serve as the foundation of a pro-collagen lifestyle. For many it is the only change they make, and they still experience fantastic results.

What makes Kollo the best collagen protein supplement for sport?

To increase collagen in your joints, bones and muscles for improved sport performance, you need a potent supplement. This means one that supplies a high daily dose of collagen peptides in a form that is easy for your body to absorb.

Studies have indicated that the ideal dosage for improvements in joints health is somewhere between 5-8g per day. For bones, it is more like 8-12g, while muscle will benefit from virtually any protein dosage but higher is better. Kollo supplies a daily dosage of 10g, ticking the boxes for all your athletic needs.

The collagen peptides in Kollo come from premium-grade marine collagen. This is known to be the most bioavailable, meaning your body will absorb the active ingredients fast and efficiently. Other outstanding advantages of Kollo include:

  • Very high purity and integrity of the collagen protein

  • The liquid suspension further enhances the bioavailability of the ingredients

  • We fortify the formula with B vitamins, vitamin C and l-lysine to further increase collagen production

  • It is easy to incorporate into your daily routine - simply empty a sachet into water and drink

  • We have won numerous awards and received thousands of 5-star customer reviews

For many athletes, one important consideration for all supplements is doping laws. Being subjected to regular drug tests, the last thing you want is to unknowingly breach the rules because of something in a supplement. Kollo is 'Informed Sport' certified, meaning every batch is rigorously tested for risks like this. You can rest assured that this certification means you will never fail a drug test due to Kollo. It is safe and carefully formulated to align with all existing anti-doping regulations.

How will Kollo help improve my sport performance?

As we have seen, collagen protein is important for joints, bones and muscles. So continuing your training and adding Kollo into the mix could yield the following benefits:

  • Greater mobility in your joints, with reduced pain and inflammation.

  • Stronger bones that are more resistant to injury and recover faster when damaged.

  • Increased muscle mass and faster recovery from workouts and injuries.

The overarching theme for sports is greater movement and faster recovery from workouts and injuries. You will also be more resistant to injury and could experience greater longevity in your sporting career. The health benefits can extend beyond sport as well as you look and feel younger and more energetic in all aspects of life.

What else can I do for a pro-collagen lifestyle?

As mentioned, you are likely to experience the best possible results from a holistic approach to collagen. Supplements can do a lot for the production of new collagen protein, but you can enhance this further and also work to protect existing collagen.

We listed some things that damage collagen earlier in this post. Therefore, you can reduce collagen loss by:

  • Quitting smoking

  • Reducing stress levels

  • Avoiding sugar and refined carbohydrates where possible

  • Staying out of intense sunlight and wearing sunscreen every day

You can also take steps to further increase your collagen production. Collagen synthesis requires:

  • B vitamins

  • Vitamin C

  • Copper and zinc

  • Antioxidants

  • Chlorophyll

Eat foods rich in these, alongside your collagen protein supplements and plenty of other protein, and your collagen production will increase.

Learn more

If you would like to learn more about collagen and Kollo, we invite you to explore our blog. You might also like to read our customer reviews to see the impact our supplement has had on the lives of real people.

If you still have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. We would love to hear from you and our team will endeavour to answer your queries.

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