
Why You Need Marine Collagen For Skin Health

BR by Ben Ronen
02 June 2024

Do you ever catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and wish you could rewind time? Are fine lines creeping in? Is your skin elasticity losing its youthful plumpness?

If so, you're not alone. As we age, our bodies naturally decrease collagen production. But there's a way to fight back.

Yes, waking up every morning with a smoother, firmer complexion that reflects your inner confidence is possible. Marine collagen supplements offer a powerful, natural solution to achieve noticeable improvements in your skin's health. With consistent use, you can get your youthful glow back.

What is Marine Collagen?

Think of collagen as the scaffolding that holds your skin together. It's a complex protein made up of amino acids that weave together to form a strong, supportive network in our bodies, including connective tissue and blood vessels.

Marine collagen, specifically, comes from fish skin and scales. Unlike collagen you might find in pills or capsules, marine collagen is hydrolyzed, meaning it's broken down into smaller pieces called collagen peptides. Hydrolysis makes it much easier for your body to absorb the collagen.

What Does Marine Collagen Do?

Our bodies are amazing machines, constantly building and repairing themselves. Collagen, our most abundant protein made up of amino acids, plays a starring role in this process. It’s the body's super glue, holding everything together — from skin and bones to connective tissues and blood vessels.

These collagen peptides tell your body to stimulate collagen production or make more hyaluronic acid, which keeps your skin nice and hydrated. The process is complex, and scientists are still studying the many benefits of collagen and how it works. While the exact details are tricky, marine collagen impacts you on a cellular level. It's a tiny coach telling your body to build younger, healthier skin.

What Does Collagen Do For Skin?

As we age, a battle wages beneath the surface of our skin. Collagen, a vital protein, starts to dwindle, leading to a loss of elasticity and the dreaded appearance of wrinkles. But fear not! Marine collagen offers a powerful weapon in this fight. 

It works from the inside out, delivering a range of benefits that promote a healthy, youthful appearance. Let's delve deeper and explore how marine collagen can transform your skin.

Reduces the Appearance of Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Forget wishing for smoother skin — achieve it with marine collagen! Collagen keeps our skin firm and plump, but with less of it, wrinkles and loose skin start to appear.

Marine collagen acts like a message to your body, telling it to boost collagen production. This "collagen boost" plumps up your skin from the inside out, making wrinkles and fine lines less noticeable. Taking oral collagen supplements can reduce wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.

Improves Skin Elasticity

Collagen's benefits extend far beyond wrinkle reduction. It also helps your skin bounce back. Imagine no more sagging skin but more supple and bouncy, similar to a bouncy ball. Our body loses its skin elasticity as we age, so it stretches more easily and doesn't snap back, either.

Marine collagen resembles a pump, refilling that lost elasticity and giving your skin a tighter, younger look. This newfound bounce prevents new wrinkles and sagging, keeping your skin looking youthful for longer.

Improves Hydration

Do you struggle with dry, flaky skin? Marine collagen can be your new best friend. It works similar to a sponge, soaking up moisture from the air and holding it inside your skin cells. This extra hydration improves skin hydration, making it feel soft, supple, and glowing with health.

Marine collagen even assists your body in making more hyaluronic acid, a natural substance in your skin that is a built-in moisturizer. You can eliminate the dry, flaky feeling and say hello to healthy, hydrated skin.

Repairs Damaged Skin

Sun damage and acne can leave unwanted marks on your skin, making you feel self-conscious. But marine collagen can be supportive here, too. It tells your body to produce new skin, your own repair crew fixing the damaged tissue.

Collagen also plays a crucial role in wound healing. Research suggests that taking collagen supplements can improve the healing process and scarring. Marine collagen can aid skin recovery, leaving you with a smoother, clearer complexion.

Protect Against UV Damage

Sunscreen is your ultimate shield against the sun's harmful rays — never skip it! But marine collagen might offer extra support and armour for your skin cells under the sun.

The sun beams down on us, releasing ultraviolet (UV) rays. These invisible rays can damage our skin in two ways. UVB rays cause sunburn, while UVA rays penetrate deeper, causing wrinkles and speeding up skin ageing.

Our skin naturally produces antioxidant enzymes, tiny warriors that fight off free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules caused by UV rays that damage our skin. Think of them as tiny vandals wreaking havoc! Marine collagen can increase the production of these enzymes in your skin. With more antioxidants, your skin can better fight off free radical damage caused by UV rays.

Sunscreen is a physical barrier, blocking UV rays from reaching your skin. Marine collagen can provide an internal defence system, helping your skin fight off damage that sneaks through. Sunscreen is a suit of armour, and marine collagen is an extra layer of protection for your skin cells.

Easily Absorbed by the Body

Regular collagen supplements can be tricky for your body to absorb. You won't get all the benefits if your body doesn't properly absorb it. But the marine type is different — it's broken down into tiny pieces called collagen peptides for easy absorption.

Regular collagen is comparable to a puzzle you create by cutting many pieces. Your body has to work hard to break them down and use all those pieces. But marine collagen is a pre-made puzzle — the pieces are already small and ready to use. It's super easy for your body to absorb the collagen and get the full benefits.

With marine collagen, your body gets the building blocks it needs for healthy skin much faster. It's taking a shortcut to smoother skin, reduced wrinkles, and better hydration — all because your body can use collagen.

Is Marine Collagen Better Than Other Types of Collagen?

The world of collagen supplements can be overwhelming, with various options vying for your attention. But when it comes to effectiveness, sustainability, and suitability for many people, marine collagen emerges as a clear frontrunner.

Let's explore the key features that set marine collagen apart and make it a compelling choice for those seeking healthier, younger-looking skin.

Environmentally Friendly

Unlike some collagen sources, marine collagen boasts a sustainable edge. It's crafted from leftover fish parts, reducing waste that would otherwise end up in landfills or oceans. This eco-friendly approach makes marine collagen a perfect choice for environmentally conscious consumers. You can nourish your skin by choosing marine collagen while positively impacting the planet. It's a win-win for your beauty routine and the environment.

Superior Absorption

Marine collagen has a secret weapon: tiny building blocks called collagen peptides. These remarkable collagen peptides act as a key, unlocking your body’s ability to absorb collagen much faster than other types.

Because marine collagen is already broken down into smaller components, your body can effortlessly utilise it, maximising the potential benefits you experience. This superior absorption translates to noticeable results on your skin, allowing you to achieve a smoother, more radiant complexion.

Marine collagen stands out as the top type for several reasons. It's good for the environment, your body absorbs it easily, and it works for people with allergies. It’s an excellent option for anyone who wants healthier skin.

When Should You Take Your Marine Collagen Supplement?

You need a daily dose of marine collagen for optimal results. Look for high-absorption, sugar-free liquid collagen with at least 10,000mg per serving. But when should you fit this into your routine?

Your body is a complex machine working hard to keep you running. Collagen is crucial, but your body's collagen production decreases as you age. Marine collagen supplements give your body the raw materials it needs to keep that production line humming.

Experts recommend taking your daily dose on an empty stomach first thing in the morning for optimal absorption. This timing gives the collagen peptides a clear path for your body to absorb and use them most efficiently.

However, some people find taking supplements on an empty stomach can cause minor digestive discomfort. If that's the case for you, don't worry. You can still reap the benefits of collagen. Simply take it with a light breakfast or wait until after a workout. The key is to find a routine that works for you.

Maximising Absorption and Results

Some people split their daily dose of marine collagen into two times during the day. Morning and evening servings ensure a steady supply of building blocks. While you may see skin improvement within weeks, the actual benefits of marine collagen can take months. It’s similar to planting a seed. Patience and daily intake are key to unlocking its full potential.

Marine collagen is powerful but not a magic solution. It’s essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Get adequate sleep, eat a balanced diet, and don’t forget that sun protection is vital. By doing so, you'll further support your skin and maximise collagen's impact.

Using marine collagen and making healthy choices gives your body the tools it needs for smoother, more radiant skin. With planning and the right supplement, you can unlock the potential for healthier, younger-looking skin.


Marine collagen might be the missing puzzle piece to smoother, younger-looking skin. It's a natural way to help your body build more collagen, the superhero protein that keeps your skin bouncy and bright. Marine collagen can supply what your body needs to fill those wrinkles, tighten things up, and keep your skin nice and dewy.

Remember, unlike other types of collagen, your body absorbs and receives the benefits of liquid collagen easily. It's also an excellent choice for people with allergies to beef or pork. To top it all off, it's kind to the environment — made from leftover fish parts that wouldn't be used anyway.

Wave goodbye to wrinkles and say hello to a radiant you. Marine collagen and some healthy habits can unlock the potential for younger-looking skin. Are you ready to give it a try? Visit Kollo Health to learn more about our fantastic marine collagen and take the first step to a brighter you.

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